Texas State Senator - District 13 USA, Rodney Ellis
Texas Community Turning to Islam – Part 2 - David
Don Mucker - USA
Dr. Oktar Babuna live on Republic Broadcasting Network, Texas-USA (12 September, 2011)
Abdullah Ali Osman, USA
Rice University Students - USA
Lawyer, Abdul Abdurrahman / USA
John Kyl - United States Senator from Arizona / USA
Prof. Anthony Bernard Pinn, Rice University - USA
Cornelia Lewis / Houston - USA
Shannon Longoria - USA
The Number of People Converting to Islam in the USA Increases Consistently
Mr. Nury Turkel - Lawyer, Eastern Turkestan, USA
Sheree Collier / San Diego - USA
Texas Community Turning to Islam – Part 1 - Yasmine
Ocalan says that the autonomous structures should not be Western-oriented. The USA should know this
Executive Editor, Host, Al Jazeera - USA, Riz Khan
Steve Wells - South Main Baptist Church Pastor / USA
Paul Marshall, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute's Center for Religious Freedom / USA
Adnan Oktar's live interview with Jewish Guests from Derusha Publishing (USA) on harunyahya.tv (April 14, 2010)
Rebecca Cataldi, Program Manager and James Patton, Executive Vice President at Int. Center for Religion & Diplomacy, USA
Journalist -USA, Stephen Kinzer
Ali Hasan Abunimah, Journalist, co-founder of Electronic Intifada, USA
Today in history - 6August 1945 An atom bomb was dropped by the USA on the Japanese city of Hiroshima toward the very end of World War II.
Dr. Oktar Babuna live on 1240 WJIM, Michigan USA (October 20, 2011)