Rebecca Cataldi, Program Manager and James Patton, Executive Vice President at Int. Center for Religion & Diplomacy, USA
Dr. Abdulmoiz Hariz, Teacher, University of Jordan
Father Federico Lombardi, Director of the Holy See Press Office, Vatican
What did Alistair Burt, -Foreign Office Minister of The Brisitsh Foreign & Commonwealth Office- say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Chief Rabbi Moshe A. Friedman, Antwerpen, Belgium
There is a slight protrusion on the center of Hazrat Mahdi's (as) nose
Father Antonio Spadaro S.J., Editor in Chief of La Civilta Cattolica, Vatican
Hassan Abbas, Professor of International Security Studies National Defense University, Washington Dc.
Former State Secretary in the Foreign Office Germany, Jürgen Chrobog
Idriss Benarafa, Editor Chief the Moroccan Times
Qasim Badrudden - Center For Media and Development Education (Nigeria)
Phil Eskeland, Executive Director of Operations & Policy, Korea Economic Institute of America
Mr. Adnan Oktar's conversation with his guests from Jordan and Palestine (22 May 2018)
Fr.Nabil D.Haddad, CEO of the Jordanian Interfaith Coexistence Research Center
Mohamed Rafique, Chief Executive Officer of SFRD, Sri Lanka speaks for A9 TV
Dr. Oktar Babuna Interviewed by Jordan Fm about the Upcoming Elections in Turkey (June 23, 2018)
Jurgen Chrobog - Former State Secretary in the Foreign Office, Germany
Dr. Sheikh Ramzy, Director of Iqra Islamic Institute, Founder of Oxford Islamic Information Center, UK
Douglas Johnston, President and Founder of the International Center for Religion & Diplomacy
Prof. Dr. Bekir Karlığa, T.R. Chief Advisor to the Pirime Minister
What did Faduma Muhammed, Executive Director of Labour Community Services, Canada say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Prof. Dr. Lester M. Salamon, Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies, USA
Dr. Shimon Samuels, Director for International Relations at the Simon Wiesenthal Center
Amb. Prof. Shimon Shamir, Moshe Dayan Center, Tel Aviv University
Prof. Efraim Inbar, Director of Begin-Sadat (BESA) Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University