Father Antonio Spadaro S.J., Editor in Chief of La Civilta Cattolica, Vatican
Dr. Zafarul – Islam Khan, Editor & Publisher
Chief Rabbi Moshe A. Friedman, Antwerpen, Belgium
Nouzha Skalli - Former Moroccan Minister of Social Development, Family and Solidarity, Member of the Parliament, ICD Advisory Board Member
Founder & Editor in Chief of Enigma Magazine, Yasmine Shihata / Egypt
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with Fakhri Al-Arashi, the Chief Editor of National Yemen (24 September 2014)
Prof. Dr. Bekir Karlığa, T.R. Chief Advisor to the Pirime Minister
The contraction of time
Nouzha Skalli, Former Moroccan Minister of Solidarity, Women, Family, and Social Development Nouzha skalli, eski fas dayanışma, kadınlar, aile ve sosyal gelişim bakanı
Rabbi David Rosen, former Chief Rabbi of Ireland, Director of the American Jewish Committee's Department of Interreligious Affairs, advisor to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel
The miracles of the Qur'an: The relativity of time
Executive Editor, Host, Al Jazeera - USA, Riz Khan
Nondas Cl. Metaxas, Chief Executive Officer, Director General and Member of the Council at the Cyprus Stock Exchange
A superstitious religion in modern times: The new age
The timing of the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as) 1
Justice in the time of the Mahdi (pbuh)
The Ark of the Covenant the glad tidings of the end times
Miracles of the end times of our Prophet No.11 Events in Egypt
The error in thinking that the first man was created over time
Technologies in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (a.s) foretold by our Prophet (a.s)
Each of the portents of the end times is a great miracle
What Our Prophet (saas) revealed about the End Times?
Miracles of the end times of our Prophet No.6 - An attack on the Kaaba and bloodshed in the The Kaaba
Protein production; planned, high in quality, wasteless, a just in time biosynthesis
Mr. Aaqil Ahmed, Commissioning Editor for Religion and Head of Religion and Ethics, BBC, UK