What did Alistair Burt, -Foreign Office Minister of The Brisitsh Foreign & Commonwealth Office- say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
President Franco Frattini, Former Foreign Minister of Italy
Jurgen Voss - Germany Senior International Consultant and Arbitrator
Anna Yankova, Director, International Affairs, Office of the Secretary of State of Maryland
State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sudan, Mansour Yousif Al-Ajab
Teodor Melescanu, Former Minister of Foreign Affair of Romania
Alberto Antonio Guani Amarilla, Ambassador of Uruguay to Germany
Fani Palli Petralia, Former Minister for Employment and Social Protection, Former Minister of Tourism of Greece
Nondas Cl. Metaxas, Chief Executive Officer, Director General and Member of the Council at the Cyprus Stock Exchange
Vice Minister for Foreign Relations of South Africa, Marius Fransman
Mohamed Rafique, Chief Executive Officer of SFRD, Sri Lanka speaks for A9 TV
Frank Gerstenschläger, Executive Board Member of Deutsche Börse, Germany
Alexander Rutskoy, Former Vice President of Russia
Erna Hennicot-Schoepges, Former President of the Parliament of Luxembourg, Former Minister of Culture and Education, Former Member of the European Parliament
Adam Abu Alharit, Eritrean Islamic Islah Movement Deputy General Secretary and Secretary of Foreign Relations
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bruckner, Head of ICD Program, Stanford University, Germany, May 9, 2013
Mr. Sali Berisha, Former President & Prime Minister of the Republic Albania
Senator Richard Bryan, Former United States Senator
Mark Perry, Author, Historian, Journalist and Foreign Policy Analyst, Washington Dc.
Deputy Head of Foreign Relation Division Prosperous Justice Party, Taufik Ramian Widjaja / Indonesia
Prof. Hassan B. Diab, Former Minister of Education of Lebanon
Mr. Alain Juillet, Former Head of Intelligence, France
Former atheist Dr. Brown, who converted to Islam, tells the falsehood of trinity
A former Christian describes how he became a Muslim after seeing the beauties of Islam
The conversation of our brothers in Germany made with Sheikh Hassan, one of the representatives of his Highness Sheikh Nazim Al Haqqani