Dr. Sheikh Ramzy, Director, Iqra Islamic Institute; Founder, Oxford Islamic Information Center, UK, May 9, 2013
Gershon Mesikha-Mayor of Shomron Regional Council / Israel
Dr. Richard Hellman - Founder of CIPAC / USA
The situation in Palestine at the time of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) birth
Miraculous Information In The Qur'an
Science research foundation - introduction
Aftab Ahmad, MD/CEO at Lahore Stock Exchange
Dr. Stephen Lambden, Academic Researcher at University of California, Merced
Dr. Ariel Cohen, Senior Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation
Dr. Claudio Monge, Researcher in Comparative Religion, Dominican Study Institute
Brief information about Mr. Adnan Oktar
Dr. Oktar Babuna on the Israel IL TV, 21 March 2017
Prof. Dr. Lester M. Salamon, Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies, USA
Shadi Hamid, Fellow at the Project on US Relations with the Islamic World, Director of Research Brookings Doha Center
Dr. Wafik Moustafa – Author of Egypt-The Elusive Arab Spring, Founder and Chairman of the Conservative Arab Network
Imam Suliman Gani, Tooting İslamic Center, London
James Agyenim Boateng, Deputy Minister of Information of Ghana
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with Dr. Mordechai Kedar from Israel on A9 TV, October 3rd, 2011
Knesset Member Rabbi Nissim Zeev, Founder of Shas party
Kh Asadul Islam Ripon, Managing Director & CEO at City Brokerage Ltd. Bangladesh
Dr. Hitoshi Suzuki, Instutite of Developing Economies, Senior Researcher
The Ottoman Empires just and tolerant rule in Palestine
Naseer A. Akhtar, President & CEO of Infotech
Abdullah BouHabib, Issam Fares Center, Lebanon
Ali Hasan Abunimah, Journalist, co-founder of Electronic Intifada, USA