Jorge Sanpaio - Former President of the Portuguese Republic, UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations
Tim Lister - Former Vice President Cnn International
President Vaira Vike Freiberga, Former President of Latvia
President Dr. Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, Former President of Malta - Former Minister of Education
Bujar Nishani, President of Albania
Dr. Ghazi Salahuddin Atabani, President of Sudan's National Congress Party Advisor to the Sudan's President
Wadah Khanfar, President of Al Sharq Forum, Former Director General of the Al Jazeera Network, Quatar
Alexander Rutskoy, Former Vice President of Russia
Maria Conceiçao Pereira - Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), Vice President
Luc Van den Brande, Former Minister-President of Flanders-Belgium, Former President of the European Committee of the Regions, ICD Advisory Board Member
President, Sri Lanka Islamic Students' Movement Ahmad Munssif
Mohammed Zuhair, Vice President of Center for Islamic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Rev. Olivier Reigen Wang Genh, President of the Buddhist Union of France
President Franco Frattini, Former Foreign Minister of Italy
Ahmad Rashid Lali, Director and Vice President Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd., Bangladesh
Prof. Dr. Peter Boyle, President of International Prevention Research Institute, France
Ahmad Rashid Lali, Director & Vice President Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. Bangladesh
Halldor Asgrimsson, Former Prime Minister of Iceland, Former Secretary General for the Nordic Council of Ministers, Vice President of the ICD
Erna Hennicot-Schoepges, Former Speaker of the Parliament of Luxemburg - Former Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs - Vice President of the ICD Advisory Board
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with Prof. Hooshang Amirahmadi, President of Iran-American Council, (May 27, 2012)
Prof. Dr. Dragan Domazet, Rector and Founder of Belgrade Metropolitan University, Former Minister of Science of the Republic of Serbia
H. E. Amb. Katalin Bogyay, Permanent Delegate of Hungary to UNESCO, President of the General Conference of UNESCO
Prof. Houchang Chehabi, President of International Society for Iranian Studies
Prof. Dr. Din Syamsuddin, President of Muhammadiyah Association and Professor of Islamic Political Thought at State Islamic University, Jakarta
Mrs. Michele Coninsx, President of Eurojust