Fani Palli Petralia, Former Minister for Employment and Social Protection, Former Minister of Tourism of Greece
Teodor Melescanu, Former Minister of Foreign Affair of Romania
Hassan Diab, Former Minister of Education of Lebanon
Mari Kiviniemi, Former Prime Minister of Finland - Member of the Parliament
Mr. Sali Berisha, Former President & Prime Minister of the Republic Albania
Erna Hennicot-Schoepges, Former Speaker of the Parliament of Luxemburg - Former Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs - Vice President of the ICD Advisory Board
Anna Diamantopoulou, Former EU Commissioner, Former Minister of Education Greece
Hrant Bagratyan, Former Prime Minister of Armenia
Nouzha Skalli - Former Moroccan Minister of Social Development, Family and Solidarity, Member of the Parliament, ICD Advisory Board Member
Dr. Erato Marcoullis, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus
Ögmundur Jonasson, Former Minister of the Interior of Iceland, Former Minister of Justice & Human Rights, Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), President of the ICD Program for Human Rights
Luc Van den Brande, Former Minister-President of Flanders-Belgium, Former President of the European Committee of the Regions, ICD Advisory Board Member
Abdullah Ali Osman, USA
Nouzha Skalli, Former Moroccan Minister of Solidarity, Women, Family, and Social Development Nouzha skalli, eski fas dayanışma, kadınlar, aile ve sosyal gelişim bakanı
Suraya Pakzad, Executive Director of Voice of Women Organization, Afghanistan
Hrant Bagratyan - Former Prime Minister of Armenia
Mirko Cvetkovic, Former Prime Minister of Serbia
Hazrat Ali (ra) (599 -661)
The occupation of Afghanistan
Ahmad Fahmi Mohd Samsudin, vice President of Abim speaks for A9 TV
Alexander Rutskoy, Former Vice President of Russia
What did Abdel Hadi Argandiwa, Minister of Economy, Afghanistan say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
President Vaira Vike Freiberga, Former President of Latvia
Mr. Aleksey Y. Meshkov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Russia
Ayetullah Ali Hamaney's Speech at the 31st International Islamic Unity Conference