Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: How Do You like Istanbul so Far?
How do our cells recognize and bind to one another?
Dr. Paolo Cioni: Why do you think that the theory of evolution is not scientific?
The rising of the sun in the west is approaching (How will this great portent take place?)
Miracles that take place every second in the universe
You are approaching an inescapable truth
Mountains will be torn up by the roots
Did you know weaver birds
Some of the processes that take place within the body in a matter of seconds
The Hypocrites Are Wrapped Up in Their Previous Lives and Feel An Inferior Admiration for Unbelievers
How to see what is auspicious
Did you know these things about polar bears?
Secrets of the Universe
Did you know these things about owls' eyes?
Events that will take place after "The Sun rises in the west"
How will the bloodshed in Egypt cease?
The universe created to be compatible with human life
How to see
Valentine Moghadam, Professor of Sociology, Norntheastern University. Associate Professor, Exeter University
Dr. Fabrizio Fratus: Do you think Social Darwinism is still making an impact today?
Why do Mr. Adnan Oktar’s beautiful girl friends love him?
Various images documenting the terrible persecution taking place in East Turkestan -4-
The global secret state plan to split up Turkey
Prof. Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Iranian University Professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University