Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: How About The Host Organization? How Do You Feel About Them?
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: How Can We Make Use of Viruses Medicine Other Disciplines
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: God Is the Author of Nature
Have you ever thought how you came into existence
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: "We Have a Complexity Even at the Earliest Life Forms"
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts Speaking about the Complexity of the Cell
How do we know God's existence
What are fossils and how do they form ?
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts:Why it is important to oppose Darwinism
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: It is Amazing Learning About Viruses
Dr. Paolo Cioni: Why do you think that the theory of evolution is not scientific?
Dr. Fazale Rana: "The Process of Protein Synthesis Is like a Factory Operation"
How well do you know Allah who created you?
What will our life in heaven be like?
Are you aware that you?
Dr. Jeff Zweerink’s comments on Istanbul
Dr. Fabrizio Fratus: If Darwin knew about the DNA, could he make so many conflicting claims and simple suppositions?
You are approaching an inescapable truth
Why does light move so fast?
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: Intricacy and the Complexity
Dr. Bijan Nemati, Physicst, 3rd International Conference on the Origin of Life and the Universe, April 28th, 2018-istanbul
If the Prophet Solomon lived today, how would his palace be like?
What the Prophet (saas) liked to drink?
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts' Personal Motto