From "Answers from the Qur'an 2" documentary
Believers restrain their anger
Why do concepts such as impatience and despair have any place in the lives of believers?
How can we feel closer to God?
Why do we tend to have negative feelings?
True love is a deep and glorious feeling
The moral virtues displayed by believers in the life of this world
The Hypocrites Are Wrapped Up in Their Previous Lives and Feel An Inferior Admiration for Unbelievers
Believers will constantly remember Allah in paradise
The Morality of The Quran inoculates believers from every kind of extremism
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: How Do You like Istanbul so Far?
Should we feel regret for our mistakes?
Dr. Fabrizio Fratus: Do you think Social Darwinism is still making an impact today?
The hypocrites try to show themselves as if they are more pious than all believers
Do we want to live in a world where the richest 1% owns 50% of the wealth?
Dr. Fabrizio Fratus:”What do you think about the collaboration of Christians and Muslims
What should we do when our faith is at odds with our reasoning?
Young man Who believes Allah is one tells how He became a Muslim
What do believers shows patience in?
How much room do you take up in the universe?
Martyrdom is a cause for joy and celebration; all believers yearn for martyrdom
Why do Mr. Adnan Oktar’s beautiful girl friends love him?
The excellent moral values of believers-2
What are fossils and how do they form ?
Dr. Bijan Nemati: "Atheists Should Not Feel so Fulfilled Intellectually with Darwinism."
The hypocrite makes friends not with the believer but with the irreligious