From "Deep thinking" documentary
Attempts to locate the ark
Eliminating the concept of location
The location of Noah's flood
The temperature of the earth
The miracle planet - 1: Evidence for creation on earth
The earths directions of rotation
Kenneth Keathley: Why the Old Earth Creation Is True
Soil: The miraculous compound that swathes the Earth
The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will return to earth 2
The earth is protected every second
The creation of the universe
Dr. Bijan Nemati Talks about the Balances Necessary for Dexterity on the Earth
The earth will disgorge its charges
Harmony on Earth
The Harmony in the Universe
Prof. Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Iranian University Professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University
Dr. Bijan Nemati Talks about the Protection of the Earth in the Galaxy
Science is discovering the sublime mind permeating the universe
Valentine Moghadam, Professor of Sociology, Norntheastern University. Associate Professor, Exeter University
The Creation of The Universe - introduction
Afshin Marashi, Professor of Iranian Studies in the University of Oklahoma
International Conference on the Origin of Life and the Universe
Mateo Mohammad Farzaneh, Northeastern Illinois University, USA
Miracles of the Qur'an: The Roundness of The Earth
Birgitt Hoffmann, Professor of Iranian Studies at University of Bamberg - Germany