From "The creation of the universe" documentary
The glorious equilibrium in the big bang
The Big Bang's Victory Against Materialism
Dr. Bijan Nemati Talks about the Big Bang
Science Continues to Support The Big Bang
The Big Bang and Creation
The Big Bang
Big Bang 2
Proofs of the Big Bang
Kingdom of big cats
The Path to The Discovery of The Big Bang
Angel Rabasa, Senior Political Scientist in Rand Corp., USA
A Big Victory for Turkish Democracy
Live Conversations of Mr. Adnan Oktar with Creationist Scientists from America and Italy, 20 May 2017
Dr. Rupert Graf Strachwitz, Political Scientist and Historian, The Director of The Maecenata Institute, Humboldt University, Berlin
Mr. Adnan Oktar’s Live Conversation with Italian Scientists Dr. Fabrizio Fratus and Dr. Carlo Alberto Cossano(21 March 2017)
Big Bang 1
Episode-2 The Big Bang and Our Place in the Universe
The American scientist guests of Mr. Adnan Oktar – Dr. Fazale Rana – Dr. Anjeanette Roberts – Dr. Jeff Zweerink
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: About the Big Bang
Dr. Anwar-ul Ghani – President of Federation of Islamic Associations of NZ, Senior Scientist at the AgResearch Limited Ruakura Research Centre, New Zealand
Angel Rabasa, Senior Political Scientist at the Rand Corp., USA
Rumism: The big threat for Muslims (full extended version)