From " The creation of the universe" documentary
Proofs of the Big Bang
Big Bang 2
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: About the Big Bang
Big Bang and scientists
Dr. Bijan Nemati Talks about the Big Bang
Episode-2 The Big Bang and Our Place in the Universe
The Big Bang
Agricultural ants 1
Seed 1
Did you know? 1
The glorious equilibrium in the big bang
Perished nations -1
Pollen 1
Science Continues to Support The Big Bang
The Solar System 1
Living fossils refute evolution - 1
Adnan Oktar's meeting with Sanhedrin rabbis (July 1, 2009)
The Miracles of our Prophet (s.a.v.) -1-
Miracles of the Qur'an - 1
Living fossils: Proofs of creation 1
The Communism that Has Drenched Mankind in Blood - 1
Freemasons and Templars are performing prayers 1
Kingdom of big cats
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) struggle and the difficulties he will face -1-
The Pharaoh buried under the waters 1