Science Continues to Support The Big Bang
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: Would There Be Life at All Without the Moon?
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: Zero Volume in Physics - Astrophysicist
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: Universe Is Formed out of Nothing - Astrophysicist
Proofs of the Big Bang
The Big Bang
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: "What can creationists do more together to tell people about the falsity of the evolutionary theory and the fact of creation?"
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: What is the significance of this conference?
The American scientist guests of Mr. Adnan Oktar – Dr. Fazale Rana – Dr. Anjeanette Roberts – Dr. Jeff Zweerink
The Path to The Discovery of The Big Bang
Big Bang 1
Big Bang and scientists
The Big Bang and Creation
Dr. David Snoke Talks About the Fundamental Forces of the Universe
Big Bang 2
Dr. Fazale Rana Talks About The Invalidity of The Miller-Urey Experiment
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts Speaking about the Complexity of the Cell
Rumism: The big threat for Muslims (full extended version)
Dr. Fabrizio Fratus: Scientific Creationism and New Scientific Discoveries about the Origin of Life and Man
Jeff Gardner: The Lack of Transitional Forms in the Fossil Record
Dr. Fazale Rana Speaks about Mr. Harun Yahya
Dr. Carlo Alberto Cossano’s Opinions about Mr. Adnan Oktar
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: About Mr. Adnan Oktar's Works
Dr. Fazale Rana Talks About The Beautiful Phenomenon of Bioluminescence and The Magnificent Artistry of God
Dr. Bijan Nemati talks about the special conditions that make the Earth habitable