What He Said?What Happened?

In his conversation programs, Mr. Adnan Oktar said  that PKK militants who started a conflict in the Southeast with the excuse of Kobane;   the PKK cannot deal with ISIL and therefore they take advantage of Turkey’s mild attitude and cause  turmoil in the Southeast  but the Turkish military and police force have the strength to control the PKK.

Mr. Yalçın Akdogan also said at a meeting he attended that the PKK gathers in the streets, cover their faces and play a game and used the words, “We will never allow a “surgery” on our motherland.”

November 8th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: If she wants, the state would crush the PKK completely; they used to do it before. When the commando forces or the special forces were given the permission to “do what is required”, they used to crush them. But the state is now following a compassionate policy and thus they move ahead silently. But they are going too far; this is very dangerous. I think it would be wise if they do not look for any trouble.

November 6th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: No one would want people to die or soldiers to be martyred. We also would not want PKK members to die as well. PKK deaths are not joyful events. We don’t take pleasure in that. We would not be pleased with the death of anyone. We would wish faith for them to become better people. But there is trouble now. They are coming  to Turkey, saying, “We will divide you and destroy the Islamic realm.” It is clear that this will never happen. It is obvious that we will never allow this.

October 9th, 2014: A9 TV

(The incidents caused by the situation in  Kobane have caused the death of 26 people and 145 injuries .)

ADNAN OKTAR: The police and military are very strong. The Turkish soldiers have  at least a thousand times more strength than the PKK. The Turkish military has not yet used even a small portion of this strength. The Turkish police as well; they only remained  defensive. That’s all. They never attacked. Therefore it is very important to trust the state. It is very important to respect the state.

If you are a brave person, come out in the open! They always use long range weapons. Come face to face with the Turkish soldiers. Come face to face with the Special Forces. But our police are decent people.

Tayyip hodja is not ‘smothering the PKK’. He is dealing with them but in the meantime we are coming to the end of the road. I said, “They will not stay still.” Because they have a demand; “Are you going to give us these lands or not?” If the government says “no” then they are on the same page. Mr. Erdogan did everything in his power to prevent Turkey from being divided. And he continues to do so.

October 7th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: The PKK’s goal is to pull Turkey into a war. They want us to be in a war in one way or another so they can do it easily. Turkey will not go into a war. We are not interested in war. We are not interested in Kobane.

Throwing stones at police officers in the cities of Turkey like Van, Sirnak and Diyarbakir, causing fires, vandalizing buses; these are easy. There are no obstacles here. But they cannot do this in Iran. When they do it in Iran, the Iranian government would take action. And they did it before. But due to Turkey’s mild attitude, they would do such things again and they will continue to do so. THEY ARE INCREDIBLY SPOILED AT THE MOMENT.

October 5th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: No one should try to test our patience. They must not try to test the patience of the Turkish state and the Turkish people. Trying to overthrow the state is a grave criminal offense. In the Ottoman-Turkish tradition, if someone or a community tries to overthrow the state, the state would become  ferocious in a way that is unexpected. The state would not respond to many things but when it comes to this the state would be very ferocious. No one will ever imagine about overthrowing the state or dividing the country.

May 16th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: We will not let Turkey be divided. They can imagine or think about it. But dividing us is not possible. We would destroy such a person. And a person like that does not exist. The whole world would turn into hell in such a thing. If they even try to do something like that, 80 million of us would be martyred. That’s another thing. But the whole world would be destroyed as well. There would not be any America, Russia or China left. There would be nowhere left. The world would end. All hell would break loose. So if you try to dishonor the virtue and dignity of the Turkish people, Allah would bring the Day of Judgment. A country where Hz Mahdi (as) was born cannot be divided. You will forget this. There is Islamic Unity in Turkey now; all Kurds, Turks, Circassians and Laz have come together and formed the Islamic Union.

February 16th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR:  We will not allow a system that would divide Turkey. But one can imagine or talk about it as he or she wants. They can go and talk about it at cafes. Or think about it. That’s free. But we will never allow this. They should not try for nothing. When we feel that Turkey is about to be divided, when we see a sign, we will move the earth and sky and we will never let it happen. All 80 million of us would be martyred if it comes to that. So they should not try anything about this. They will forget about it insha’Allah. Precautions need to be taken against this. The government needs to be very alert about this.


November 13th, 2014: Milliyet

Deputy Prime Minister Yalcin Akdogan said the following  about the PKK at a meeting he attended:

“They say, 'The Kobane incident happened like this and Afrine happened like that, we will unite here and there.’ They assume that this is a LEGO game. We will never allow a “surgery” on Turkey, on our motherland. We will do whatever is necessary.  Some people gather in the streets where no one sees, cover their faces, take flags in their hands and perform a theatrical act. They may assume that this is a child’s game. The Turkish state and the Turkish people will end such games to the end. And we will never let it happen.”