What He Said?What Happened?

In his daily conversations, Mr. Adnan Oktar frequently highlighted that the Mount Qandil should be leveled into a plain and the PKK should be destroyed. Besides, Mr. Oktar made an association between the fight in Turkey against the PKK and the War of Independence,  and emphasized that if we wage a resolute struggle, the enemy will not succeed.

The statement that "Qandil mountains should be leveled into a plain" by Mr. Oktar has been repeated by many people from different backgrounds. Recently, Yalcin Topcu, the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey, made a similar remark: "We will make them experience the battle of Gallipoli and Malazgirt in the Mount Qandil, and bury them into the Mount Qandil."

September 6th 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: The mountains and caves where the PKK is hiding, to put it in a nutshell. I told that before as well. There are not steep rocks everywhere in Qandil, and only some places and caves are steep. These places are where they centre round. There, the mountains are at a depth of 100-150 meters or so, and they enter into these mountains. You will place 10 tons of TNT or 10 tons or 20 tons of C4 to the bottom. Then, you will warn them for a month.  In the small hours, you say "Allah Bismillah" (With the name of God) and scream the place down. The fundamental issues would be handled and they will not be able to use those places once again. Since all of the passages to that mountain would be closed down as well. 

August 12th 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: IT IS NECESSARY TO LEVEL THAT AREA INTO A PLAINYou should warn them and then level that area into a plain. When they say where Qandil is and when they go there, they should be disoriented. The construction of dams should be expedited, so do the police stations.

August 10th 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: As if we are in the War of Independence. Our homeland is occupied and invaded by the perfidious PKK. Our heroes are in an all-out war.

If we show that we are committed and spry and we are ambitious, they will run away as they did in the War of Independence. It is all about showing our commitment.

July 11th 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: What do they say there ? They say: "We will establish a communist state based on the state model of Northern Korea and scourge the entire region." And, they say especially for our Kurdish brothers that: "We will make them communist and atheist,  prevent them praying, destroy the mosques,  kill  the clergy, and scoff at the religious rules, want to bet?" THE TURKISH ARMY AND THE TURKISH POLICE SHOULD RESPOND THEM NOW, in the way that they can understand. Because they do not have the capability of comprehension, a verse of the Quran indicates that: "They faced with a community that is not able to understand and comprehend. Then, the mountains were nailed to the earth." Our army should fulfil the verse of the Quran. THEY SHOULD FIRST LEVEL INTO THE MOUNTAINS A PLAIN, warn the people there a month in advance. When we flatten that rocky area full of mountains, everyone would be at ease. We can blaze a trail beside many other things. There is an abundant number of rocks that can be used in the construction of dams. They just need to be flattened in a good way.

July 10th 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: THE PKK SHOULD BE ERADICATED FROM THAT HIGHLAND REGION. QANDIL. The verse of the Quran reads that: "Until, when he reached (a tract) between two mountains." What would you do? You would flatten the area. It is that simple, we should lower the mountains. It would take fifteen minutes or so. We should clear the region completely.

July 3rd 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: WE WILL FLATTEN THAT AREA, THAT AREA WHERE THE PKK INHABITS. We would warn them to evacuate the area in advance. Then, we would level into all the mountains a plain. They would say: “There were many mountains here yesterday. What went wrong? Did we go to the wrong place?" We would say: "No, you came to the right place."

July 2nd 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: I have been in the area of Qandil, too rocky. There are too many rocks there. Indeed, the constructions of dams, for instance, require a lot of rocks. THEY SHOULD LOWER THE MOUNTAINS COMPLETELY. Enough to fill more than 10 thousand trucks. They can be used for anything, how nice it would be. They can be used anywhere.


September 20th 2015, Time Türk

Minister of Culture and Tourism Yalcin Topcu made some statements in regard to the attacks in Turkey. Topcu said: "We will make them go through what happened in the battle of Gallipoli, in the battle of Malazgirt, in Jerusalem, in the battle of Sakarya, in the battle of Dumlupinar, and in the battle of Anafartalar. We will destroy them in Qandil along with all of the powers behind them."