"THE MAHDI WILL NEVER LEAVE RUM, THE TURKS (because Turkey used to be known as region of Rum.)”

(Narrated from Ish'afu'r-Ragibin by Tilsimlar, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, p. 212)

The Lord of believers (saas) says: "... If you wait UNTIL ALLAH PRODUCES ONE [HAZRAT MAHDI (AS)] FOR YOU WHO WILL UNIFY YOU AND BRING YOU TOGETHER WHEN YOU ARE FRAGMENTED... you will be rewarded, and you will understand with certainty that he [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] is the one who will take revenge (who will provide the requisite intellectual response to Darwinism, materialism and atheism) without you suffering any injustice, and who will salvage your rights…” 

(Kitab al-Ghayba, [Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 51], Ansariyan Publications, Collected by: Muhammed Baqrr al-Majlis, Iran-Qum, 2003, p. 182)