You will see some of the interesting techniques that plants use to make other creatures carry their seeds for them.
Plants: Professors of mathematics
Origin of the Plant Cells
The fascinating leaves of plants in watery habitats
Plants that renew the atmosphere and the earth
The miracle in the creation of plants
Carboniferous-Era Plant Fossils
Plants that survive in desert by sleeping
Did you know that rubber is made from plant? Rubber Plant: GUAYULE
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) love of plants and animals
Plants' social life
Co-operation Between Animals And Plants
Did you know that some plants use the winds to disperse their seeds?
Around The World
Plants with interesting qualities
Lupin; a plant that can make weather forecast
Unity of the World
Illnesses are the tests of this world
It’s love that will save the world
The world appreciates Turkey
World in the clutches of have-mores
No more cries in the Islamic world