There is a factory that in the 21st century cannot be imitated by technology, but has been working for millions of years without error, without danger and without waste. "Chlorophyll Molecule Factory"... This magnificent structure in leaves cannot even be imitated with today's technology. What is the reason for this?
This factory at the molecular level works so fast that the processes cannot even be monitored. If this could be achieved, perhaps scientists would be able to understand this enormous system and try to imitate it. We can explain this better with an example: In a soft drink factory in the United States, the bottle filling system works at such a high speed that the eye cannot follow it. Even if the bottles break at some stage as a result of an intermittent glitch, this cannot be observed in any way due to the speed of the machine. In order to detect these breakages, special cameras that take hundreds of frames per second are installed and recorded while the machine is running. Then the individual frames are examined and only in this way can it be determined whether there has been a defect.

The speed of processing in the Chlorophyll Molecule Factory in plants is so high that no engineer can even dream of building such a system. Production takes place in ten millionths of a second. That's 10 million products in one second. Moreover, this speed takes place inside each of the 500 thousand chlorophyll molecules in just 1 square millimeter of a green plant.
Today, a state of the art technology is judged by how small a space it can fit into. For example, processes that used to be carried out in machines the size of rooms are now combined and fit into a tiny space in a tiny phone, and this is called "advanced technology". The "Chlorophyll Molecule Factory" in plants, on the other hand, works like a Nuclear Power Plant, which is so tiny that we cannot even conceive of it, and is incomparable to any system in today's technology.

This marvelous structure shows us how the power of God encompasses everything from the heavens down to the speck. In the Qur'an, God reveals that it is impossible for humans (no matter what technology they achieve) to create even a single tree out of nothing:
He Who created the heavens and the earth and sends down water for you from the sky by which We make luxuriant gardens grow – you could never make their trees grow. Is there another god besides God? No indeed, but they are people who equate others with Him! (Surat an-Naml, 60)
Chlorophyll factory's astonishing efficiency
God has created green leaves with a system that is extremely sensitive to light. When photons from the sun reach the leaf, the process begins. First of all, if it senses even a tiny bit of light, the leaf, where the factory is located, immediately turns towards it. The light activates the subatomic particles of the chlorophyll molecules. It makes them change their trajectories. This is such a complex process that physicists cannot even imagine how it could be replicated.
If we were to magnify a leaf often not given any attention, "we could imagine ourselves to be in a chemical nuclear facility like no other on Earth." This may sound pretentious, but it is the truth.

When we look at a leaf under an electron microscope, we see that it is made up of chambers, and there is tremendous cellular activity. Compartments where more than twenty chemicals are produced and stored work like Nuclear Power Plants. Perfectly functioning pumps exist and cellular doors open to the outside and take materials in and out. Also, solar collectors and air control systems are in place. In short, a magnificent micro-factory is packed into the leaves.
But who runs and manages all these awe-inspiring systems? Whose intelligence is this technology? These questions have only one answer: This tremendous order in the production of chlorophyll is the manifestation of the intelligence of the Almighty God.
God is the One Who built chlorophyll exactly in accordance with the wavelength of the photon that comes out of the Sun and travels millions of kilometers to the Earth. It is simply beyond the ability of the atoms of the leaf to 'measure the wavelengths of the Sun'. It is also not possible for them to build a microscopic nuclear production line based on the wavelength they measure.
Scientists say that the Chlorophyll Molecule Factory works so efficiently that it can capture almost every photon that hits it, transport it to the reaction center and put it into production. (
Can classical biology data explain the efficiency of photosynthesis?
Searching for the answer to the question "how energy is transferred so efficiently to the reaction center", scientists could not account for such an efficient process with data from classical biology. There were too many missing and incomprehensible parts of this process, and it would not be complete without quantum physics.

According to the principles of the macro universe, of which we are a part, it is impossible to be in two places at the same time. In the quantum world, the laws of the macro universe do not apply. In order to understand how photosynthesis works through quantum mechanics, one needs to study the quantum superposition. In the quantum world there is no such thing as certainty and an object can be in different places at the same time. Numerous experiments on this subject have always come to the same conclusion. The electrons in the chlorophyll factory are employing this superposition. That is, being in more than one state at the same time!
When plants carry out photosynthesis, a quantum effect called ‘superposition’ occurs and quantum mechanics operates in the plant. In 2018, a paper was published in the Nature Chemistry, revealing the amazing technological system of production in chlorophyll. This scientific discovery, called superposition, is only a few decades old, but plants have known about and used it for millions of years. ( (We will discuss quantum superposition in detail in another article)

'Superposition' is a phenomenon in which particles such as photons and electrons are in two or more places at the same time, a process that is very difficult to grasp if you think only in terms of the rules of the macro universe. We can explain this with the example of a table in your home being in your apartment and in London at the same time. As impossible as it may seem to us, such a possibility is indeed probable in the quantum world. With this research, it has been revealed that superposition, which was previously detected at very low temperatures and in isolated environments, also occurs in the cell environment. In other words, it has once again been shown that the most advanced technology of humanity is still quite elementary compared to the structures found in nature.

For the first time, chemists at MIT have measured the energy transfer between photosynthetic light-harvesting proteins, showing that the disordered arrangement of light-harvesting proteins increases the efficiency of energy transfer. (
Perfection in the zero-toxic waste system in plants
While the Chlorophyll Molecule Factory produces energy packages for us, it also cleans our air in the form of a recirculation system. As is well known, awards are given to environmentally friendly businesses that do not pollute nature. However, a business that makes nature cleaner than it already is while working may never have existed on Earth. While it is a very costly process for a plant to clean even just its own chemical waste, the one in the leaves is built with the capacity to do this all by itself. While in nuclear plants the system is monitored by computers to prevent the slightest leakage, the 0% toxic waste system in the Chlorophyll Molecule Factory in the green leaves is a marvelous mechanism that today's technology cannot even dream of.
We cannot fully understand the production carried out by chlorophyll at the subatomic level, even by using high technology and studying it with electron microscopes. Let alone producing such a system from scratch, we are unable to solve many details even by examining the existing one with the currently advanced technology. This shows us that we are actually discovering God's knowledge through all scientific developments. We better understand that the gradual emergence of living beings, as Darwinists claim, is impossible. Science shows us the 'marvelous structures' of the created beings, like a lantern shining on a beauty in the darkness... That beauty was there from the first moment of existence, and the more we study living things, the more we find evidence of God's creation and the more we admire our Lord.
He Who created the seven heavens in layers. You will not find any flaw in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again – do you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted! (Surat al-Mulk, 3-4)
His Highness Bediuzzaman, who despite the limited means of his time, demonstrated the truths of faith with the clearest evidences and put forward the issues related to religion in a way that can be fully understood, explains this very wisely in his exegesis of verses 21 and 22 of Surat al-Baqara in his book Signs of Miraculousness (Isharat al-I’jaz):
“…all the sciences demonstrate through inductive reasoning a total, all-embracing order; each is a shining proof pointing to the benefits and fruits hanging in bunches from the links of the chains of beings, indicating too the instances of wisdom and advantages concealed in their changing states. The sciences raise the banner of divine unity and testify to the Maker’s purpose and wisdom. Each of them is a shining star piercing the darkness and repulsing the satans of delusion and doubt.”
Scientists, through their work to understand how photosynthesis works in such an efficient way, have revealed yet another proof of the art of God's creation that pervades the entire universe. Truths of faith such as these, as His Highness Bediuzzaman points out, are like stars piercing the darkness and guiding us towards the Almighty God.
Mankind! worship your Lord, Who created you and those before you, so that hopefully you will have taqwa (fear of God). (Surat al-Baqara, 21)