Plants: Professors of mathematics

Plants: Professors of mathematics


Some plants "calculate" that its aerodynamic structure is suited to pollen dispersal by wind, and every subsequent generation employs the same method. Others "understand" that they will not be able to make sufficient use of the wind and, for this reason, make use of insects to carry their pollen. They "know" that they have to attract insects to themselves in order to be able to multiply, and try various methods to bring this about. They particularly identify what insects like. After finding which nectar and scents are effective for which insects, they produce scents by a variety of chemical processes and give them off when they have established the exact time to do so. They identify the taste in the nectar that insects will find pleasant and the totality of the substances in it, and produce these themselves. If the scent and nectar are not enough to draw insects to them, they decide to try another method, and, to suit this situation, make "deceptive imitations". Furthermore, they "calculate" the volume of pollen which will reach another plant of the same species and also the distance it has to travel, and on the basis of this, begin to produce it in the most suitable quantities and at the most appropriate time. They "think" of the possibilities that might prevent the pollen from reaching its destination and "take precautions" against them.Of course, such a scenario could not ever be a reality: in fact, this scenario breaks all the rules of logic. None of the above-mentioned strategies could be devised by an ordinary plant, because a plant cannot reason, cannot calculate time, cannot determine size and shape, cannot calculate the strength and direction of the wind, cannot determine for itself what kind of techniques it will need for fertilization, cannot think that it will have to attract an insect it has never seen, and furthermore, cannot decide what methods it will need to be able to do any or all of these things.

No matter how much the details multiply, from what direction the subject is approached, and what logic is employed, the conclusion that there is something extraordinary in the relationship between plants and animals will not change.

These living things were created in harmony with one another. This flawless system of mutual benefit shows us that the force which created both flowers and insects knows both kinds of living things very well, is aware of all their needs, and created them to be complementary to one another. Both living things are the work of the Lord of all the worlds, God, Who knows them very well, Who indeed knows everything. They are charged with presenting God's greatness, His supreme power, and His flawless art to men.

A plant has no knowledge of its own existence, nor of the miraculous functions it performs, because it is under the control of God, Who planned its every feature, Who created everything in the universe, and Who continues to create at every moment. This truth is announced to us by God in the Qur'an:


Shrubs and trees both bow down in prostration (to Him). (Surat Ar-Rahman; 6)
