The results of the latest genetic research have once again proved that the Neanderthals were a race indistinguishable from modern human beings by revealing that, just like us, they possessed the capacity for speech.
A Heavy Blow to Evolutionist Preconceptions
Evolutionists hypothesise that all biological and mental functions emerged gradually and as a result of a random process. In analysing man and human history, they interpret the data on the basis of the preconception that whatever is older must be more “primitive,” thus imposing their own dogmatic perspectives on the evidence. Whenever a palaeoanthropological discovery regarding humans is made, they immediately discuss it within a “primitive-advanced” framework, and have invented a developmental scenario of human progress. Claims regarding the supposed transition from our fictious quadriptal posture to walking upright on two legs; the supposed transition from a small, ape-like brain to a very large one; and the supposed transition from grunting to our ability to speak and thousands of different languages, are all the product of this perspective and are all enormous deceptions devoid of any scientific evidence.
The results of the latest genetic research have once again proved that the Neanderthals were a race indistinguishable from modern human beings by revealing that, just like us, they possessed the capacity for speech.
German and Spanish scientists examined the DNA they extracted from the remains of Neanderthals who died around 43,000 years ago. Comparing the foxp2 gene, which is known to be involved with speech and language in the DNA they obtained with its counterpart in modern humans, they revealed that there was no difference between the two.
Johannes Krause, a member of the research team and employed as a researcher by the Max Planck Evolutionary Anthropology Institute, summarises these results as follows: “From the point of view of this gene, there is no reason to think that Neanderthals would not have had the ability for language” The scientists published the research in question in the journal Current Biology (2) Among those involved in the study was the eminent researcher Steven Paabo, who works under the auspices of the Max Planck Evolutionary Anthropology Institute.
Previous studies managed to extract Paabo Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA, but this research was the first in which nuclear DNA was obtained. (DNA is found both in the nucleus in our cells and also in the body of the mitochondria. The mitochondrion is an organelle responsible for energy production.) The Neanderthal DNA investigated was obtained from fossils belonging to two individuals discovered in the El Sidron cave in Northern Spain.
It had already been demonstrated that members of a British family carrying an abnormal variant of the fox2p gene, whose identities were kept secret, had difficulties in speech and understanding, and it was realised that this gene was concerned with speech. The discovery of the same fox2p gene in Neanderthals as in modern-day humans shows that, just like us, Neanderthals had no difficulty in speaking among themselves.
A Heavy Blow to Evolutionist Preconceptions
Evolutionists hypothesise that all biological and mental functions emerged gradually and as a result of a random process. In analysing man and human history, they interpret the data on the basis of the preconception that whatever is older must be more “primitive,” thus imposing their own dogmatic perspectives on the evidence. Whenever a palaeoanthropological discovery regarding humans is made, they immediately discuss it within a “primitive-advanced” framework, and have invented a developmental scenario of human progress. Claims regarding the supposed transition from our fictious quadriptal posture to walking upright on two legs; the supposed transition from a small, ape-like brain to a very large one; and the supposed transition from grunting to our ability to speak and thousands of different languages, are all the product of this perspective and are all enormous deceptions devoid of any scientific evidence.
When the Neanderthals were first discovered in 1956, they were portrayed in the light of that perspective, and evolutionists depicted a crude being walking with bent knees and a stoop, half-ape and half-human in appearance, and producing strange grunting noises. These preconceptions have been so often repeated in text books and other publications that the word “Neanderthal” has come to mean “primitive” in English.
However, subsequent developments once again showed that preconceptions and imagination can never obscure the true facts. In inventing various tall tales about Neanderthals being primitive ape-men, evolutionists took advantage of the obscure nature and small amount of evidence available and filled the gaps in with their own assumptions.
As a series of new palaeoanthropological discoveries began made, these gaps in our knowledge that evolutionists had exploited for their imaginary accounts started to narrow, and true face of the Neanderthals, that had hitherto been shrouded in darkness, began to emerge. And it is known now from the fossil records that Neanderthals are human race no different from today’s humans.
The people, with a more powerful bone structure than that of present-day human, and even a larger skull volume, emerged some 250,000 years ago. After spreading in the Middle East, Asia and Europe, they mysteriously vanished some 30,000 years ago.
Darwinists, who tend to interpret nature as a sphere of unending conflict and an arena in which the more advanced eliminates the primitive, began suggesting that they must have been wiped out by races (Homo sapiens) with a modern anatomical structure. One of the basic assumptions of this Darwinian scenario is the claim that Homo sapiens was culturally and intellectually superior.
The moment when Neanderthals and Homo sapiens first set eyes on one another were portrayed in documentaries on channels such as National Geographic or Discovery Channel. During these encounters, the Neanderthals were depicted as primitive, grunting creatures, while Homo sapiens were portrayed as having fluent speech, walking upright and looking perfectly normal.
This latest genetic study has revealed, in the same way as all the countless pieces of evidence obtained before it, just how far these evolutionary fantasies are from the true facts.
Terrence Deacon, a California University at Berkeley anthropologist, describes its impact on this Darwinian scenario: “Many researchers … have argues for language [as] a feature that separated Homo sapiens from the Neanderthals and perhaps led to their demise.” He then goes on to say; “But the new study shows that view is wrong.” He then adds that the finding “significantly challenges arguments for the recent evolution of spoken language, confined to anatomically modern Homo sapiens.” (4)
Thus the ability to speak, assumed over the last few decades to have been evolved by Homo sapiens, has been shown to go back much further and to be an ability used by far more ancient people.
Another researcher who has made analyses along these lines is the Oxford University professor of statistical genetics Gilean McVean, who says: “Considering that Neanderthals had a sophisticated culture that included burial rites and possibly art, music and jewelry, the idea that they could speak is not too farfetched. I can’t imagine Homo erectus being as advanced in tool use, hunting and global dispersal without the use of language.” (5)
In inventing their “from the primitive to the more advanced scenario” that would be compatible with the fictitious plan of evolution they foresaw, Darwinists very definitely failed to consider that the fossil record would refute that scenario. In fact, the scenario in question shows, as the result of every new piece of evidence found, that like human beings other life forms did not evolve but were created at God’s command together with all their perfect features.
People need to realise that the world’s leading experts on the Neanderthals have concluded that in cultural and anatomical terms these people were no more backward than modern man, and they say as much at every available opportunity. (6)
This latest study shows that the Neanderthals were able to speak just like modern human beings, and that the idea that “what is older is more primitive and animal-like” on which evolutionists base their accounts of the history of mankind is invalid in the face of the scientific facts. The Neanderthals were not semi-animal creatures that emerged as the result of a random process, but an ancient race created by God commanding them to “Be!” And possessing the same mental ability as those of modern man.
(1) Neanderthals, humans share key changes to "language gene", 18 October 2007,
(2) Krause et al.: "The Derived FOXP2 Variant of Modern Humans Was Shared with Neanderthals." Current Biology 17, 1–5, 6 November 2007. DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2007.10.008
(3) Mason Inman, Neanderthals Had Same "Language Gene" as Modern Humans, 18 October 2007,
(4) Mason Inman, Neanderthals Had Same "Language Gene" as Modern Humans, 18 October 2007,
(5) Karen Kaplan, Did Neanderthals natter?, Los Angeles Times, 20 October 2007,,1,1868659.story?coll=la-news-science
(6) For more detail on this subject, see, “Why the ‘Primitive Neanderthal’ Thesis Is Invalid”