Using a description of the religion that is based on the signs leading to faith will be highly effective and successful.
The importance of talking about faith using reasonable language based on good conscience and the signs leading to faith
The light of faith manifests itself through abiding by good conscience || Conscience
Not following the majority is a sign of faith and reason
The conscience of the people of perfected faith
Thinking seriously about faith...
It is important to be a person able to make good use of wisdom rather than being ''plainly wise''…
The importance of intending to good works every day
Origin of the Language
Mr. Adnan Oktar talks about his meeting with Madonna || Madonna
Communication and Signalling in the Language of Birds
Important information about the golden ratio
Importance of Good Intention
“They must use a very affectionate language toward our PM Tayyip Erdoğan”
The Importance of Loyalty
Union of Faiths
Our Prophet (saas) foretold very important details about ISIS
Sarkozy: "Arabic is the language of the Future"
Darwinists do not talk about the soul as the soul cannot be explained in materialistic terms
Darwinists do not talk about the soul as the soul cannot be explained in materialistic terms || Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul
The importance Of Loyalty
The Millenia Old Stain on the World’s Conscience
The Importance of Religion in Politics
Listen to your voice of conscience
Talking by twisting one's tongue