Marco Weber
Hawaii Bishop Of Honolulu ( Larry Silva, Bishop Of Honolulu )
Senior Church of England Bishop:"Qur'an should be read at Prince Charles' coronation"
Gould, Stephen Jay
Dr. Oktar Babuna explained the invalidity of Darwinism in Zain Khan’s show
Dr. Ramiz Zekaj ( Albanian institute Of islamic Thought & Civilisation (aiitc) General Director )
Bishop George D. Mckinney ( Ph.d., D.d. Pastor )
On behalf of Mr. Adnan Oktar, Dr. Oktar Babuna appeared on Press TV
Dr. Kulman ( Head Of Division, Bavarian Ministry Of State, For Science, Research And Arts )
Ministry Of Cultural Assets And Activities Bari National ( Dr. Angela Adriana Cavarra )
Dr. Cornelius Schley, On Behalf Of Mr. Siegmar Gabriel ( The Prime Minister Of Lower Saxony )
The head of the German Bishops Conference invites Christians to have more dialogue with Muslims
Dr. Mohammed Arif Kasmo ( The Center For General Study, University Kebangsaan )
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live talk with Dr. Ely Karmon || Conversation
On Behalf of Adnan Oktar, Dr. Oktar Babuna Participated in the Inter-Religions Symposium Held in Rome
Dr. Ralph Scheide ( Director Of The Middle East And Africa Department, Federal Ministry For Foreign Affairs )
Prof. Dr. Osman Can: It Is Not Right to Accuse Israel
Dr. Ahmad H. Sakr, Ph. D. ( President Of The Foundation For islamic Knowledge )
Dr. Muzammil H.siddiqi ( President, The islamic Society Of North America (isna) )
Prof. Dr. Yasin Aktay: Your saying of 'Turkish' is a syntheses. There is no such race as 'Turkish'
Texas Bishop Of Victoria ( David E. Fellhauer )
Dr. Oktar Babuna speaks about the collapse of Darwinism on Tsargrad TV
Dr. Blumauer ( Senior Ministerial Counsellor, Ministery Of interior Affairs )
Dr. Oktar Babuna exposes the Darwinist Dictatorship