The Prophet Jesus (pbuh)’s second coming to earth is one of the most important glad tidings of the End Times. Allah revealed in some verses of the Qur’an that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die, he was not killed but he was raised up to the Presence of Allah and he will be sent to earth again. In the Qur’an, one of the signs that reveal the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)’s second coming to earth is the 33rd verse of Surah Maryam. This verse includes many secrets about the coming of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in terms of the meanings of the Arabic words it is composed of, the number of the verse and the values obtained from the numerological calculations (abjad) of the verse.

As it is commonly known, Arabic is a very rich language and even a word in Arabic has more than one, in some cases over 20 meanings. When the Arabic meaning of 33rd verse of Surah Maryam is examined, it is seen that very important information is revealed. This is one of the verses, which points to the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)’s second coming to earth in the End Times. Almighty Allah reveals in the 33rd verse of Surah Maryam:

“Peace be upon me the day I was born, and the day I die and the day I am raised up again alive.’”

The Arabic version of the verse is below:

 “Waalssalamu AAalayya yawma wulidtu wa yawma amootu wa yawma obAAathu hayyan.”

In this verse, the word “amootu” in the expression “yawma amootu” translated as “the day I die” originates from the verb “mate” and besides having the meaning of “to die”, it also means “to sleep”. The word translated as “sleeps” in the Arabic version of a prayer narrated from our Prophet (saas) by Imam Bukhari and Imam Tirmidhi, is the word “amootu”.

Allaahumma Bismika AMOOTU Wa Ahyaa.. (Bukhari ve Tirmidhi)

O Allah! I SLEEP by Your Name and wake up by Your Name. (Bukhari ve Tirmidhi)

The word “amootu” is in the 33rd verse of Surah Maryam. So, the word translated as “the day I die” in purviews of this verse, is accepted as “to sleep” in the hadiths of our Prophet (saas).

The word “obAAathu” in the expression “yawma obAAathu hayyan” translated as “the day I am raised up again alive” in the verse includes the meaning “to be awaken, to be sent, to be on duty” next to the meaning “to be raised.”

As it is seen that, when all other meanings of both the words “amootu” and “obAAathu” are evaluated together, it is told in this verse that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die, he was raised up to Allah in a sleep-like state and he will be sent to Earth as a Prophet whom Allah has given duty in the End Times. (Allah knows the truth.)

The verse number of this verse in Surah Maryam also contains an important secret. In order to understand this secret, we need to look at the 110th verse of Surat al-Ma’ida and 46th verse of Surat al ‘Imran, where Allah mentions the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Allah reveals in these verse as:

“Remember when Allah said, ‘‘Jesus, son of Maryam, remember My blessing to you and to your mother when I reinforced you with the Purest Soul so that you could speak to people in the cradle and when you were fully grown.” (Surat al-Ma’ida, 110)

“He will speak to people in the cradle, and also when fully grown, and will be one of the righteous,’” (Surat al ‘Imran, 46)

In the verses, the meaning of the word “kahlan” that is used to describe the adulthood of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) means “adult person between thirty and fifty years old,  graduated from youth and close to elderhood.” In Christian sources, it is unanimously accepted that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was raised up to Allah when he was 33 years old.
Al-Qurtubi, one of the great Islamic scholars, says that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will talk to people when he is in the state of “kahl” and this refers to the time he will be sent to Earth and says:

“The Prophet Jesus will be sent down at the age of 33 , and he will say, 'O people, I am the servant of Allah!” (Al-Qurtubî,  Al Jamia li Ahkam al Qur'an, 4/90-91.)

When all of this information is evaluated as a whole, it is significant that the number of the verse in Surah Maryam is 33, which points at the age at which the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will be sent to Earth in the End Times. (Allah knows the truth.)

When the numerological value of the 33rd verse of Surah Maryam is calculated, the resultant dates contain secrets with respect to the second coming of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) to Earth. When the numerological values of the letters of the words in the verse are summed up, the resultant indicates the dates at which the portents of the End Times will be realized, Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will appear and work with the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). The numerological calculation of the verse is below:

“Waalssalamu AAalayya yawma wulidtu wa yawma amootu wa yawma obAAathu hayyan”

6    +    222    +   120  +  56   +   440   +  6  +  56   +    447  +  6  + 56    +   573  +   19  = 2007
(Reduplicated, without article)

6   +   162     +   110  +   56    +   440   +  6  +  56   +   447  +  6  + 56    +   573  +   69  = 1987
(non-reduplicated, with article)

6    +    222    +   120  +  56   +   440   +  6  +  56   +    447  +  6  + 56    +   573  +   69   = 2057 (Reduplicated , with article)

The dates, which come up in the three calculations made in different ways, points at the period of the End Times. These dates may be pointing at the periods at which Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will emerge, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will come and the period when he will work with Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). (Allah knows the truth.)

Allah has hidden many secrets and wisdom in the verses of our Holy Book Qur’an, which He sent down to people as guidance. The verses have further deeper meanings than their apparent ones which are observed when first read. As a matter of fact, in the 33rd verse of Surah Maryam, Allah has hidden deep wisdom. Allah opens these secrets and wisdom to whoever He wills at the time He has appointed and ensures that the other meanings of the verses are understood by His servants.

In this verse, Almighty Allah presents a beauty by means of words, numerical values and the number of the verse. When we take all of this information together, it is understood that Allah reveals by this verse the fact that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die, He raised him up to Himself in a sleep-like state and that he will be sent back to Earth in this current period. (Allah knows the truth.)