Every self will taste death. You will be paid your wages in full on the Day of Rising. Anyone who is distanced from the Fire and admitted to the Garden has triumphed. The life of the dunya is just the enjoyment of delusion. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 185)
Being difficult to please is not a feature of a believer
Why does someone dislike an object and regard it as worthless? Someone living in a mansion, for instance, may not like an apartment and may criticize the décor. Yet an apartment block will seem like a palace for anyone who lives in a hovel, under much worse conditions.
Why does a person not admire someone else's intelligence? Because he believes himself to be far more intelligent. Why does a person not enjoy someone else's ideas? Because he has much better ones. Why does a person not value someone else's profession? Because he imagines that he possesses far greater abilities. Not liking things, therefore, generally means that one possesses a better version of them.
Therefore, those who wish to give the impression that they possess the best of everything never much care for anything. Even if they do like something, they never admit it and always try to find some fault to criticize. For example, someone who accompanies friends to a high-class restaurant will always look for something wrong with the food, or the décor, or the behavior of the waiters, even though he has never been to such a high-class restaurant all his life. He will imply that he's eaten in far superior places by offering such criticisms as "I didn't think the food was all that good. The view was very poor, and how did they do such decoration? It was distressing."Whenever young girls see a more attractive rival, they always look for flaws to emphasize their own superiority. A girl who admires her own hair, if she sees someone with even prettier hair, will make criticisms like "Look at her hair, that style really doesn't suit her, and it looks a bit thin." When a tall girl sees another prettier, but slightly shorter girl, she will immediately seek to belittle her by saying how short she is.
Due to that mistaken mindset in ignorant societies, you'll never hear anyone praising anyone whom they perceive to be superior, more intelligent, attractive or talented. It is next to impossible to see a newspaper commentator praising other newsmen of roughly the same age, praising them as more intelligent, or saying that their analyses are more accurate than his own. It's equally rare for any artist to esteem another artist whom he regards as enjoying the same standing, or to admit that the other artist is more beautiful and talented. Rather, one generally sees fierce criticism raging between such people. For instance, one psychologist will not like the methods employed by another. A dietician will criticize the methods used by another dietician, and a television presenter will always find something to criticize in his rivals.
Ants that find direction by counting their steps
How ants cover very long distances to search for food and then return to their nests infallibly has been a very important subject of research for scientists for many years. Direction finding, which is one of the most striking qualities of desert ants that dwell in the Sahara, has encouraged scientists to do more research on this, despite the fact that they are known to benefit from the Sun’s direction.
It was previously known that Sahara ants, which look for food by zigzagging, follow the opposite direction to the zigzags after they reach their food and turn back to their nests, even though there are no markings or landmarks in deserts to use for finding directions, and that they use the Sun’s direction in a surprising way.
However, specialists from the University of Ulm in Germany and the University of Zurich in Switzerland have broadened their research and made new research as to how ants find their ways in places with plant cover. As a result, it was discovered that these beings go back to their nests by counting their steps. This quality of these small creatures was of course formidable. The Sahara ants, which are also called catalglyphis fortis, also reached their nests by taking the exact number of steps on their way back.
The following experiment was conducted to reach this conclusion:
Scientists made Sahara ants walk from their nests to their food on a straight path. After the ants reached their food, meaning after they had memorized the distance between the nest and the food, they made additions to the half of the ants’ legs using materials suitable to their physiologies and elongated their stepping distances. So they enlarged the ants’ stride.
The legs of the other half of the ants were shortened with an operation, thus their steps were made smaller. The reason that their stepping distances were changed was to observe whether they measured the distances they had learned since the moment they left their nests using their steps or not.
Those ants with a longer leg length, meaning that they took bigger steps, went past their nests. Those with shorter leg lengths, meaning that they took shorter steps, stopped before they reached their nests. However, once the ants got used to their new leg lengths, they adjusted their steps, re-learned the nest-to-food distance, and went back and forth between their nests and food.
As a result of this experiment, the research team directed by Harald Wolf, Neurobiologist from the University of Ulm, concluded that ants counted their steps.
The ant is a living being, which does not have consciousness, intelligence, the ability to decide, nor can it make judgments or reason. There is no doubt that it is not possible that this living being goes out of its nest, goes to the food by counting its steps, and then turns back to its nest by counting its steps again. Sahara ants, just like every other being, act with the inspiration sent to them, and maintain their lives by means of the order and control of our Lord, since the first moment they were created.
There is no creature He does not hold by the forelock.... (Surah Hud, 56)
The sighting of a comet is one of the portents of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (a.s)
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will cause the moral values of the Qur'an to rule the world
Their [Hazrat Mahdi (as) and his followers]hearts will be like pieces of steel. Each one will have the strength of 40 people.DOMINION AND LEADERSHIP OVER THE WORLD WILL BE IN THEIR HANDS.
Hisal, (Sheikh Sadik), Haraijar-Ravendi, Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p.317-335
The earth is protected every second
The false feathered Dinosaur Concavenator corcovatus and the endless deceptive speculation from Darwinists
Non-existent feathered dinosaurs, non-existent half-man and half-ape creatures, life forms that supposedly emerged from water onto dry land and the missing links that have never ever been found are some of the evolutionist frauds that have been imposed on the public for many, many years. Whenever Darwinists panic, whenever they realize that the theory of evolution is heading for total collapse and whenever they grasp the fact they have been defeated, they come up with a new transitional form myth. They impose the idea of a fin growing a 1.5-mm bump, for instance, a feather in the process of development or a finger supposedly becoming vestigial... The proponents of the theory of evolution, that for years has only managed to survive with demagoguery and fraud instead of science, are still trying to persist with the same techniques. All they need is a little speculation and a little help from the press.
Now, however, Darwinists are experiencing the shock of seeing that these outdated methods no longer work. Darwinists;
-Never guessed that science would be used to respond to Darwinist demagoguery.
-Never imagined they would be humiliated in the eyes of the world.
-Never expected that their maneuvering and frauds would be exposed.
The way that Darwinists are again claiming to have “discovered a new feathered dinosaur” is in fact an indication of their difficult predicament. Obviously, the only way of defending Darwinism is through speculation and demagoguery. The way they still resort to demagoguery even though all their trickery has been exposed and insist on using the same old methods and imposing outdated nonsense are a clear expression of this huge despair.
How was Concavenator corcovatus made a tool for so-called evolution?
A 130-million-year dinosaur fossil represents another despairing Darwinist initiative. An effort is being made to bring up the fraudulent idea of the feathered dinosaur, that everyone is sick of hearing, in this fossil. Darwinists, once again, carried their frauds to the pages of Darwinist publications, in the full knowledge they will just be humiliated.
What Darwinists claimed is that the dinosaur fossil in question belongs to a so-called feathered dinosaur. The supposed evidence was the ‘mini bumps’ on the fossil’s forearms. Darwinist speculation immediately raised its head and these were claimed to be “possible connection points for feathers.” Close examination of their claim reveals that there was no actual feather or any remains of anything remotely resembling one. The interpretation of a miniature bump as a “connecting point for feathers” could only be the product of Darwinist demagoguery.
It will be of use here to remind our readers that the mini bumps in question were not visible on the fossil itself, but were very apparent in drawings and reconstructions based on it.
These statements are expressions of terrible weakness for Darwinists. Darwinists are experts at depicting any bump they like as a feather, or an arm as a wing. When it suits them, these bumps are portrayed as completely unimportant fossil components. But when they believe that any fossil detail can be used as a good tool for evolutionary speculation, they immediately start building speculation around it. The best known example of this is protoavis, which was rejected by Darwinists because it refuted their claims, even though it was scientifically proved to be the oldest known flying bird. It proved impossible to convince Darwinists about the evident feather protrusions on protoavis. Yet they had no such hesitations about describing irrelevant structures on a 130-million-year-old dinosaur as evidence for evolution. But there is one very important piece of evidence that demolishes their claims, one that Darwinists always strive to forget but that we always remind them of:
The point needing to be emphasized is the existence of Archaeopteryx, a flying bird with perfect feathers that lived 20 million years before the Concavenator corcovatusfossil. Archaeopteryx,a flawless bird dating back 150 million years, totally refutes all the Darwinist claims concerned. But Darwinists always have to fall back on demagoguery in order to survive. That is why they never stop talking about the frauds in question.
Speculation Is Useless. What Matters Is the eradication of the idea of evolution
Darwinist demagoguery may continue and the Darwinist press may persist in portraying this false demagoguery as major discoveries. But WHAT MATTERS IS THE FUNDAMENTAL ERADICATION OF THE IDEA OF EVOLUTION. What matters IS THAT PEOPLE CAN NO LONGER BE DECEIVED BY THE LIE OF EVOLUTION. Those days are over. DARWINISTS THEMSELVES ARE WELL AWARE OF THAT. The lie of Darwinists that science has annihilated has been exposed now in the 21st century. Nothing that Darwinists do, no speculation, can bring back the old glory days that evolutionists enjoyed with their mass deceptions. By Allah’s leave, the 21st century will be when superstitious views and ideologies vanish, never to return and flourish again.
The truth about matter is a vital secret people need to know
Age: 100 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Hjoula, Byblos, Lebanon |
Evolutionists cannot point to even one of the countless stingray fossils unearthed as evidence for their claims. No stingray with supposedly primitive, semi-developed features belonging to two different life forms has ever been encountered. Every stingray fossil discovered belongs to a creature that was identical to stingray alive today and had exactly the same characteristics. This goes to show the invalidity of the claim that species are descended from one another and that life forms developed by way of small, gradual changes.
The 100-million-year-old stingray fossil pictured proves once again that living things did not evolve, but were created.
One verse tells us that God “created everything and determined it most exactly” (Qur’an, 25:2). There are countless signs present in the universe of this perfect order, some examples of which are given in the Qur’an.
Water, food, sunlight, day and night, a beautiful view, mountains, a pleasant face to look at… These are only a few of the signs on earth.
The animal traits, which we are usually not capable even to mimic, are some other sings of God’s artistry of creation.
Some of the locations where prophets lived through history, and the cities where Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) lived are also noted in the Qur’an.
The signs contained in natural disasters are reasons to consider the weakness of humans before God, and to pay heed. Signs in technology, on the other hand, are blessings for which people should thank God.
Subjects dealt with in this book are just a few examples of God’s creation, all of which show us the infinite power of our Lord.