What He Said?What Happened?

In his programs, Mr. Adnan Oktar talked about the attitude that our government and the Turkish nation showed to our brothers who have ran away from the civil war in Syria and after that, from the attacks of ISIS and took shelter in our country; they said that our nation is very generous and we would self-sacrifice but never let the weak ones to be oppressed. He reminded to the ones who want our brothers to go back to their country that we could be in the same position so these people should be patient and compassionate.

Our President, Mr. Erdoğan, commented just the same as Mr. Oktar and talked about the greatness of our nation and said, ‘We may suffer a little, but we should protect our brothers’.

A9 TV: September 20th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: Our nation always show generosity. We may be starving, but we want the others to eat. We don’t allow  oppressed people to be pulverized. You would eat the quarter of a loaf of a bread, instead of one. I was really cut to my heart when I saw those mothers, those children, they are very poor.The little ones are very cute with their blonde hair, they are very sweet. His father is a member of PKK, I don’t care, that little child is innocent, his mother is innocent. I don’t have a thing against those oppressed people, we hold them in high esteem, my love towards them is very great. Kurdish mothers, Kurdish children, they are my mothers, they are my children, my sisters and brothers.  

Adnan Oktar’s article oinn Voix Magazine: 

ADNAN OKTAR: The hospitality of our country has also been confirmed in the international arena. However, some troubling voices have recently begun being heard regarding our Syrian brothers and guests. Some people who think of our relations with these brothers solely in terms of politics or the national economy, hiding behind such concepts as “conjunctures, geopolitics and realpolitik”, are issuing disturbing statements about their being sent back to their own country. In truth, such statements are totally incompatible with the Turkish people’s traditional sense of hospitality, good conscience and compassion.

The Turkish people will never accept such ruthlessness by saying, “Great, now we can keep everything to ourselves” after closing the door on those fleeing for their lives. Those who say, “Let us not admit any more refugees, and send them all back” need to make what it is they are proposing clear: Will these people have food to eat in the place they return to? Will they have a place to stay? Most important of all, are there places ready for them to live in safety? Or do they simply want to send them back to a hell on earth? Have they found a solution for their problems or are they simply being heartless? First of all, those calling for repatriation of our Syrian brothers must give the Turkish people the answers to these questions; otherwise, those who send them back will be responsible for their deaths.

A9 TV: August 18th, 2014

After the protests against the Syrian people, five hundred Syrian refugees  returned to their country by passing through the border control in the Akcakale district.

ADNAN OKTAR: It is a shame and a sin to threat those people like that. They are already in trouble. This is unbelievable. Imagine there is a fire, a man’s house is burning, he is running out of his house, while it is burning, he is also burned, and you are saying to that man, ‘Why did you run away from the fire, go inside and burn’. How can this be reasonable? How can this horrible thing happen? 

A9 TV: August 13th, 2014

 (After a Syrian killed his householder the other day in Gaziantep, a crowded group attacked the Syrian refugee brothers on the streets with knives and blades.)

ADNAN OKTAR: They are behaving shamefully. How can they do that to our guests? This is very bad. This can be a kind of  provocation. This can be a provocation since the beginning. This is a disaster, may Allah forbid. We should invite everybody to  serenity and moderation. It is very obvious that this is a provocation. They are  unexpected guests, they are very poor, oppressed people, this is a shame and a sin. They should think if they had a war in their country, and if they ran away to another country as a refugee, how many difficulties they would face? Nobody should be egoistical and selfish. That would be a very cruel aspect. They should act with mercy, compassion and with pity. May Allah forbid, but what would they do, if they were in the same position,  they were refugees and they came to Turkey? They should think about this. If he can not pay the rent, grant him relief. Give him as alms.

A9 TV: July 27th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: Patient, merciful, compassionate.  Because this is a big disaster. They are families and children; what would the ones who complain do if they were in the same position? They should think that they are in Syria. They came to Turkey, they accept any place, they don’t say anything, they are very oppressed, poor people.

A9 TV: July 13th, 2014

Mr. Erdoğan called out to the people in Urfa and said, ‘Take care of your Syrian brothers’.  ‘I know there are some problems but you are the host, you have taken care of our guests, our Syrian brothers untill now. Please go on, this is what a host should do’.

ADNAN OKTAR: Tayyip Master is a very blessed person. Look how beautiful his style is. I have told that they are hosts in my previous programs, Tayyip Master is also using the same nice tone, masha'Allah.  This is very nice. We are taking care of the Syrian refugees but they are living in very difficult conditions. Because the Islamic Union isn’t established, because Turkey doesn’t have financial power, our brothers are living in the tents in misery. If the Islamic Union was established, we would have them live in places like a palace. And there wouldn’t be any reason for them to run away. We would turn their houses into palaces. These places would be like Paris or London. They would live in wide streets with joy, excitement and happiness of a deep faith. But you see their conditions right now. There is a great misery. People cannot understand how it feels like to live in tents. It is not easy. They are in those tents through winter, also through summer. Think how difficult would be to live in a tent when it is so hot outside. When it is forty five degrees outside. It is very hard to live. Also in the winter, it is freezing cold. But what can my dears do? They keep quiet because of the difficult conditions. Otherwise death is waiting for them. ‘We can live in these conditions instead of dying’, they say.


Time Türk: September 21st, 2014

About the refugees sheltered in our country, Mr. Erdoğan said, ‘We welcomed them as immigrants, this shows the generosity of our nation. Let’s suffer a little, but let’s protect our brothers. We have seen an old handicapped lady passing through our lands. How can you leave her under those bombs? Can we just stand by and watch this? This is the morality, the conscience that is heritage from our ancestors.  Kurd, Arab, we don’t dicriminate. Our doors are open to all of them.’