We Must Prioritize On What We Spend
We must prioritize on what we spend
What if we felt no pain in our body
Are we united against terror?
We will save Palestine
We have 600 years of dialogue with Kosovo and we are always next to her
Are we masters of our destiny?
Rivlin:" We, the Jews and Muslims, are the children of Abraham; We are all the children of God."
... And to Him shall we return
We see Turkey as the big partner
We share the same faith and path
General Petraeus: We appreciate Turkey
Mr. Recep Güven: We are one, we are brothers
We will ask Turks to enter the EU
United we stand, divided we fall
General John Allen: We Must Revoke the Idea that ISIL Represents
We want to open Armenia-Azerbaijan borders
We need the special language of peace
EU: We can be a global force with Turkey
We have a worldwide struggle against Darwinism and we have vanquished them completely.
Extreme nationalism is still a major threat || Bosnia Times
Not spending to show off
We need an ‘energetic’ push for global peace