In his conversations, Mr. Oktar always accentuates that women need to be at the forefront everywhere with their cleanliness, quality, loveliness, and the dominance of men and a manner seeking to direct women is wrong. During his speech before the governorship of Tunceli, Mr. Devlet Bahçeli showed his appreciation of women by appearing with two ladies by his side. A9 TV: October 31st, 2013 ADNAN OKTAR: A policy and a tone that directs ladies, that is to say, a tone that talks pedantically to them, is annoying and disturbing. Ladies are very smart, cultivated, quality people. God creates human beings as equal. He created both men and women equal. They are equal in every way. Ladies must be free. No one is in a position to guide ladies, to counsel them. If someone must counsel, it should be ladies counseling men. Women should be considered to be superior in this issue.
A9 TV: October 23rd, 2013 ADNAN OKTAR: Bigotry has enveloped the world. The fact is, women are very smart. They are smarter than men. They think more delicately and in details. We see that, every one knows it. This is not something unknown. Their cleanliness, meticulous nature, their cuteness; in all these aspects they are better than men. Consequently it is evident that women need to be at the forefront everywhere. They need to be at the forefront with their beautiful aspects, cleanliness, quality, sweetness. For instance, women must be PMs, women must be presidents, at least half of the parliaments must be made up of women. The prominent companies must be chaired by women. They must be respected, revered everywhere. Men think more superficially, but women are able to think through details in an amazing way. They can think about the intricate aspects. This is what I have observed, but of course both men and women are blessed beings. God created them equal. There is no superiority over one another in terms of intelligence but I observe that women are much better in terms of discipline and patience. They have the habit of thinking about details. If they want, men can always think about details but I see that women are more industrious, insha’Allah.
A9 TV: July 11th, 2014 ADNAN OKTAR: At least half of the parliament must be made up of women. Women must be granted unlimited freedom. There is the dominance of men, this is explicitly seen. Women are superior, they are very precious, they are very smart, gentle and delicate beings. They are the ornaments of this world.
A9 TV: May 10th, 2014 ADNAN OKTAR: Women are the most beautiful ornaments of this world. They are so delicate but on the other hand they are oppressed the most. Men attempt to guide them in all aspects of life. They dictate where they will go, what they will do, what they should eat, what they should wear:This is something weird. Meanwhile men are granted much freedom. The outlook on women is very different. Even their going out is considered as a crime by some. Everything they do is considered as a crime. We should prepare an inclusive book that dwells on all these issues in details, both in line with the Qur'an and the hadith. That would be much better than just speaking about it.
A9 TV, January 23rd, 2014 ADNAN OKTAR: This is how you can understand the freedom in one country: From the status women enjoy. Simply look at the women and understand it. Are women free? If women are free then it is OK. There will be women with revealing clothes as well as women wearing burqas and headscarves. They all need to be around. There should be the ones wearing bikinis, having veils;they should all be revered. They should all be appreciated as pure believers. |