Adnan Oktar's piece in The Hill:
The PYD & the PKK: two sides of a coin
The Name of the PKK Terror Organization in Syria is the PYD
Mustafa Muslim: “The PYD and the YPG are branches of the PKK”
The Palestinian and Turkish flags side by side
PKK = PYD = YPG ... Seeing the Big Picture!
There Is No Difference between the PYD and PKK – Both Are Terror Organizations
For everyone’s sake, support for the PKK-PYD should be abandoned
PYD: Another Face of Terror
Is global media on the side of democracy?
The good and the bad: Whose side are you on?
The Police Department issued a report stating that the PYD is made up of the members of the PKK
Two wrongs don't make a right
PKK = PYD = YPG ... Seeing the big picture!
Terror Activities of the YPG/PYD in Northern Syria
PKK Playing The Victim
Ukraine: Bridging two poles
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have two occultations
The Effects of One-Sided Darwinist Education
PKK = PYD = YPG … Seeing the Big Picture!
Two key suggestions for a solution in Egypt
Recommendations for Turkey's two major parties
The Qur'an says that the messengers always acted with someone at their side