What He Said?What Happened?

For years Mr. Adnan Oktar has been emphasizing that it is very important to read and know about every religious faith and to have a deep understanding of every single ideology.

Mr. Ahmet Davutoğlu echoed these statements of Mr. Oktar and said, “All Marxists, atheists and Muslims need to be acknowledged about all religions for general culture.” 

October 16th, 2009: Dem TV

ADNAN OKTAR: Religion is general culture. It is the main tie that holds the community together. A lack of knowledge about religious belief is a huge gap. First of all, we need to explain Judaism well. We need to explain Christianity well and we need to explain Islam really well. And religious sects; we need to explain sect culture very well. We need to explain the proofs as to the existence and Oneness of Allah very well. We need to speak of  the invalidity of Darwinism such as the existence of 250 million fossils.

Also if a person does not know anything about religion, this is a huge gap. But he also needs to know about Marxism. For example, if someone does not have knowledge about Marxism or fascism, then this is a huge gap in terms of general culture. We also need to teach all the other perverted ideologies and thoughts, like Satanism for example, because a cultivated person is a quality person. What can you talk about with a person who lacks general culture? For example, a subject regarding Christianity comes up and he looks at you with empty eyes: No way. People need to be aware of everything in terms of general culture. High school and middle school as well as universities must be places where general culture is provided most frequently.

A9 TV: June 10th, 2012

The CHP made an application to the Supreme Court for the cancellation of the 4+4+4 law. The party gave the following justification: “This law injures the secular  social order of the law. In this way, the people are divided and polarized by paving the way for religious exploitation.”

ADNAN OKTAR: It is overrated. Why? It is general culture but they need to add Christianity and Judaism as well. What is Christianity? What is Judaism? They should teach those as well. They should also teach Islam. A person needs to be cultivated about these in terms of general culture. They need to do this as soon as possible.

A9 TV: December 4th, 2012

ADNAN OKTAR: Religion is a matter of general culture. Even if a person is irreligious, he still needs to know about religions and ideologies. He should know about Islam and Christianity as well as Judaism, communism and fascism.

December 14th, 2013: A9 TV

(As a result of the Abant Platform, the proposal to abolish “religion courses” at school was added to the notice.)

ADNAN OKTAR: Teach Alawite as well as Sunni belief. Teach Darwinism and materialism as well as Hinduism, Judaism and Christianity. They should teach everything. Are students not going to school for general culture? If a person does not know his own sect and the faith of his own neighbors or relatives, then this is strange.


September 17th, 2014: Haber Turk

The European Court of Human Rights has made a verdict about Turkey that the obligatory religious culture courses need to be abolished because of the emphasis on Sunni education. Mr Davutoglu made a statement about the subject:

“Just like I am not a Marxist but I need to know about Marxism, even an atheist needs to have a certain level of religious knowledge and this is important for any kind of assessment he or she will make, and they need to know about religious faith.”