Arab News , the leading English daily newspaper published in Arabia, published Harun Yahya’s article “Even body pain has a divine purpose" on April 17th 2015.
Even body pain has a divine purpose
Everything has been created for a good purpose
Divine Purposes In Spending In God's Way
The purpose is to be a peace envoy in the region
Fasting in Divine Religions
Turks and Armenians must put WWI pain behind them
The Refinery in Our Body
The Miracle of Phosphorus in our bodies
The Miraculously Renewed Body
Muslim solidarity that grows even stronger in times of crisis
The Sugar Factory in our Bodies
The ugly body language of the hypocrite
The preservation of pharaoh's body
Radicals Hate Even the Animals
In Afghanistan even foreign soldiers wear Turkish bands
Respiratory System in Human Body
Reflect on Purpose of Life
Miracle of Allah: Tolerance of our body’s defense system
Pain reveals the sublime nature of Allah the Healer
The Pituitary Gland: Regulator of the Human Body
The body's flawless stimuli signals