The Philippines branch of the worldwide news portal published Harun Yahya’s article.
Even body pain has a divine purpose
Divine Purposes In Spending In God's Way
Darwinism, which holds that life has no purpose, is an invitation to suicide
The purpose of a believer's life: the approval of Allah
What if we felt no pain in our body
Calling others to divine truth a must for believers
Radicals Hate Even the Animals
Fasting in Divine Religions
Qur"an Explains Real Purpose Of Life
The body's flawless stimuli signals
The Miraculous Processing System in the Human Body
The preservation of pharaoh's body
The Digestive System: The Mill in our Bodies
The Body’s Flawless Stimuli Signals
Islamic Union Should Be Established To End the Pain
Everything has been created for a good purpose
The Miracle of Phosphorus in our bodies
The holy land should be a place of peace and reconciliation for all divine religions
Muslim solidarity that grows even stronger in times of crisis
Even unbelievers will attain salvation in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Repair and regeneration in our bodies
Atlas Of Creation: Defense Of The Three Divine Religions
The Turkish Border Has to be ‘Secure’