We support Freemasons who believe in God.
Views of religious freemasons while performing prayer in the Little Hagia Sophia Mosque || Freemasons praying
Adnan Oktar's Live Talk with 33rd degree Freemasons || 33rd degree Freemasons
The endless happiness of religious people
Uniting Against Religious Radicalism
Religious Tolerance Fair
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will bestow freedoms on Muslims and neutralize the devilish teachings of atheist Zionists and freemasons
CHP: The seventh arrow religious devotion
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with the worldwide leaders of Freemasons || Conversation with freemasons
''Our people want a secular, free, religious system that is not bigoted and doesn't intervene with anyone's religious beliefs''
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will struggle against the hypocrites of the end times, certain scholars of religious law and the dajjal of the end times
The Netherlands is seeking religious officers to appoint in the army
Religious Observances
Etyen Mahcupyan: The nation is supporting because the Government is religious
Religious obligations take preference over commerce and amusement
The People of the Southeast Region Are Religious, Decent and Honest
The Turkish Public Scrupulously Observe The Religious Obligations Of Fasting And Prayer
Peace through cultural, religious diplomacy
Bulgarian protesters demand compulsory religious classes
The world chooses us for religious education
Religious Sensibility and Spirituality are the Meaningful Solution to Gun Violence
Harun Yahya Articles On The Dubai Religious Affairs Ministry Web Site
It would be unjust to declare the entire community of Knights Templar and Freemasons guilty because there are a few people with anti-Islamic views and who are shedding blood among them. || Islam the religion of peace
Obama: We are the two countries which are the most religious
Education can end religious strife
According to the Qur'an, it is an act of worship, a religious duty, a beauty and a blessing for Muslims to want a leader, a Mahdi