No one’s body is ever the same as it was the day before, for some of its cells have been renewed or have died. Only the soul is unchanging. Scientists have proven that the body’s tissues are constantly regenerated. In order to bring this about, 200 million cells are born each minute to replace those that have died. Allah has willed a single hormone called thyroxin to regulate this flawless phenomenon.

Thyroxin monitors the body, identifies cells that have come to the end of their life spans, and forwards the command for new production to the units concerned. The whole process of bodily renewal depends upon this hormone. If it did not calculate the number of missing hormones and thus produced more or fewer than were needed, the resulting state of confusion would cause the body’s external appearance to age and its organs to cease functioning. Excessive production would result in uncontrolled organ growth and tumors, leading to rapid death. Is it logical for such a vital process to be controlled by a single hormone that, according to evolutionists, acts in a supposedly unconscious manner and functions purely by chance? Even if such were the case, could a single hormone calculate how many cells have died and produce enough new ones to fill the gap?

Clearly, such a hormone cannot come into being by chance and spontaneously decide to manage production within the body. If someone imagines that the body’s perfect internal balance belongs to a hormone that emerged by chance and acts in a random manner, that person will spend his or her life in a state of great unease. (In any case, a human body cannot survive long enough for a hormone to emerge, by chance, through random interventions. The random stages proposed by Darwin cannot account for the formation even of one protein in a single bacterium cell.) The human body’s systems are far too complex and detailed to permit even one random event. The Creator of all these systems is Allah, the Lord of everything that exists, Who keeps them under His control at all moments:

It is Allah Who created the seven heavens and of Earth the same number, the Command descending down through all of them, so that you might know that He has power over all things and encompasses all things in His knowledge. (Surat al-Talaq, 12)