Taiwan’s leading English-language daily newspaper which reaches its readers through print and online media, The China Post, published Harun Yahya’s article on January 08th, 2016.
EU, Turkey & Chapter 17: 'Love' Needed
EU, Turkey & Chapter 17: 'love' needed
EU needs Turkey
EU unfair to Turkey over PKK
The EU is in danger of taking Turkey for granted
The EU, Brexit and Turkey
When Will Turkey’s Journey to Join the EU End?
A Union Based on Love: What the Islamic World Needs the Most
EU: We can be a global force with Turkey
The Middle East Needs Love and Unity More Than Ever
EU is collapsing
Love to Turkey is at the highest level in Palestine camps
EU would become poor without Turkey
Turkey will join the EU as the leader of the Turkish-Islamic world
EU, Turkey find silver lining
It will work for love
The Middle East Needs Love and Unity More Than Ever || Arabian Gazette
EU's Rights and Wrongs on the Refugee Crisis