The Hans India news portal and newspaper which publishes news from the world headlines also publishes Harun Yahya articles.
Death Penalty: A Uniquely Unjust Form Of Justice
Death penalty: A uniquely unjust form of justice
A Nay to Death Penalty By the Mufti of Egypt
The uniqueness of the fingerprint
Death penalty: Justified murder || The Jakarta Post
The Inhuman Death Penalty Must End
Death Penalty, Salvation For Child Killers
Turkey — a unique member of NATO
Reaction to the Mass Imposition of the Death Penalty in Egypt by International Union of Muslim Scholars
Death is not the end
How much justice is there in the world?
Mourning preventable deaths
The Exemplary Justice Of The Prophet (saas)
Death, Afterlife And Hell
No change since Aylan’s death
Transitional Forms, The (The Transitional Species)
How Much Justice Is There In The World?
When Death Is Not The End