The Gulf Today, a newspaper published in English in the United Arab Emirates, published Harun Yahya"s article titled “Death is not the End”, in which he explained the life to come in the hereafter, on its Ramadan page on the 11th of August, 2011.
Death Is not the End for Man
Condemning Refugees to Death
Death, Afterlife And Hell
Syria: Death Everywhere
Mourning preventable deaths
Death & The eternal regret for disbelievers
Death is a beginning, not an end
The approaching moment of death
The Inhuman Death Penalty Must End
No change since Aylan’s death
Life Begins After Death
The Death Throes Of Molecular Evolution Scenarios
Death penalty in Indonesia: once again on scene
Death: the moment when worldly pleasures end
The outlook of people of faith on death
Near certainty of targeted drone attacks sows death for an apology
The Biggest Seditiion of the End Times
Corruption Will Not End
Islamophobia in Europe and the ways to end it