The Muslim Observer, a political Islamic newspaper published in America, continued to carry its serialization of Adnan Oktar"ın “Death, Afterlife and Hell” on 22-28 March, 2007.
Paradise and Hell
The regret felt in hell - 1
Syria: Death Everywhere
Human soul attains profundity with the existence of satan, lower-self and Hell || Hell
Condemning Refugees to Death
The approaching moment of death
The regret felt in hell - 2
Mourning preventable deaths
Condemning refugees to death
The faithlessness and immorality of the dwellers in hell persists in the hereafter
A death-dealing journey for a better life
Death Is not the End for Man
Death Is Not The End
The Death Throes Of Molecular Evolution Scenarios
Death penalty: A uniquely unjust form of justice
When death is not the end
Death penalty: Justified murder
No change since Aylan’s death
Death penalty in Indonesia: once again on scene
Chemical and Conventional Weapons Both Result in Death
Deaths Cannot Stop More People Being Killed