In the program speculation based entirely on imagination is put forward concerning the black and white designs which provide zebras with wonderful camouflage. In the section in which zebras facing one another groom each other"s necks with their teeth is the following statement

In the program speculation based entirely on imagination is put forward concerning the black and white designs which provide zebras with wonderful camouflage. In the section in which zebras facing one another groom each other"s necks with their teeth is the following statement:

“Maybe the stripes began to constitute scratching points around the neck and throat. And in later evolutions these stripes spread over the whole body as an indicator of friendship.”

As in all other living things, in zebras skin designs are coded in the DNA. Information concerning the designs of zebras is thus passed on from generation to generation. It is obvious that this information cannot be changed by being bitten or groomed by another zebra. Animal Planet observes a parallel between the linear direction of the zebras" grooming movements and the lie of their stripes. In that case, speculation could also be made that the designs of the jaguar came about through its licking itself with circular tongue movements. Definitely, however, that would be unscientific as is Animal Planet in its claims about the zebra because external grooming motions cannot produce genetic information. In fact, if this is considered a little the needlessness of such forced speculations comes to light because there is a pattern designed in such a way as to be beneficial to the zebra which is coded in its genetic information. When all this is considered it emerges that these designs were given to the zebra by a Creator. God created the zebra and he equipped it with these designs as an effective way of diverting the attention of predators which would attack it.