In this program about giraffes, an extraordinary claim is put forward concerning their necks. Animal Planet describes the necks of giraffes as "the product of the delirium of evolution." However, this statement is based on no scientific evidence and is completely illogical.

In this program about giraffes, an extraordinary claim is put forward concerning their necks. Animal Planet describes the necks of giraffes as "the product of the delirium of evolution." However, this statement is based on no scientific evidence and is completely illogical.

The long neck of the giraffe has a complex design. There are powerful muscles which can keep the neck straight and a strong heart and arterial system which can carry the blood to the brain 3 meters above. In addition, giraffes have intravenous valves which prevent blood from reaching the brain in dangerous quantities when they stoop to drink. It is not possible for these to have emerged through accidental mutations. It is impossible for random mutations to add information to DNA while producing preventive mechanisms (the intravenous valves) which regulate the operation of these organs because random mutations always cancel information and are invariably harmful in their effects.


In short, it is not possible for the neck of the giraffe to have developed through evolution. Animal Planet tries to evade the subject by characterizing this as the "delirium of evolution" without going into any detail because of the cul-de-sac in which these structures place the theory of evolution. As can be seen, despite scientific findings, Animal Planet is adopting evolution as a faith. In this faith, going so far as to say that the neck of the giraffe is "the delirium of evolution" again sets forth the damaged nature of the thinking of the Darwinists because they are capable of attributing this delirium to predestination, to an aimless, in short a mindless, process while at the same time believing that this imaginary delirium, as real as a ghost, created complex systems. Defining the neck of the giraffe as the product of the delirium of evolution is like defining the pyramids of Egypt as the product of the delirium of the sands.