An indication to King Messiah's presence in Istanbul according to Judaic scriptures

An indication to King Messiah's presence in Istanbul according to Judaic scriptures



Just as Moses was brought up in the house of Pharaoh among the enemies of his people, so also will Messiah dwell in the city of Rome*, among the destroyers of his land. [Exodus Rabbah, Chap. I; Tanhuma, Shemoth, 8, and Tazri’a, 8. Cf. also Sanhedrin 19b.] [i]

* Constantinople, the capital city of Roman Empire, was given the name “Nova Roma” in Latin, i.e. “New Rome” by Constantin I in 324.

Just as Moses was raised in the House of Pharaoh in Egypt, so the Messiah will be in Rome. [Kohelet Rabbah, I, 9][ii]

Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi meets Elijah the Prophet and asks, “… Where can I find Mashiach?” Elijah tells him, “Go to the gates* of Rome and there you’ll find him.” [Talmud Sanhedrin 98a]

* 50 gates exist on Constantinople city walls.

[i] (Messianism in the Talmudic Era, Leo Landman, Ktav Publishing House Inc., New York, 1979, s. 29)

[ii] (Messianism in the Talmudic Era, Leo Landman, Ktav Publishing House Inc., New York, 1979, s. xxxi)

