Just as Moses, after revealing himself to his brethren in Egypt and announcing them to that deliverance was near, was forced to go into hiding for a time, so also will Messiah be forced to hide himself after the first revelations. [Numbers Rabbah, Chap. II; Song of Songs Rabbah, (2:9); Pesikta Rabbathi, Chap. 36][i]

Just as Moses was raised in the House of Pharaoh in Egypt, so the Messiah will be in Rome. Both had to appear and then hide. (Kohelet Rabbah, I, 9)[ii]

To be sure, the “light of the Messiah” which is to shine wondrously into the world, is not always seen as breaking in with complete suddenness; it may become visible by gradations and stages... :

“It is told of Rabbi Hiyya and Rabbi Simeon that they walked in the valley of Arbela early in the morning and saw the dawn breaking on the horizon. Thereupon Rabbi Hiyya said: So too is Israel’s redemption [through King Messiah]; at first it will be only very slightly visible, then it will shine forth more brightly and only afterwards will it break forth in all of its glory.” (Midrâsh Shir ha-Shirim Rabâh, VI, 10)[iii]


[i] (Messianism in the Talmudic Era, Leo Landman, Ktav Publishing House Inc., New York, 1979, s. 29)

[ii] (Messianism in the Talmudic Era, Leo Landman, Ktav Publishing House Inc., New York, 1979, s. xxxi)

[iii] (Messianism in the Talmudic Era, Leo Landman, Ktav Publishing House Inc., New York, 1979, s. 60)