L’Egypte traverse une période difficile en ce moment. Cependant il n’y a pas besoin d’attendre longtemps pour de nouvelles élections en Egypte, des élections démocratiques peuvent être tenues dans un mois.

Les frères musulmans devraient adopter une nouvelle politique d’amour et de respect envers tout le monde, embrasser les chrétiens, les autres sectes de l’Islam et aussi toutes les femmes qu’elles soient en mini-jupes, voilées ou non voilées.

Les frères musulmans doivent exposer les erreurs du darwinisme afin d’éliminer les dommages de la pensée matérialiste sur la société et de gagner les élections.

Promouvoir la liberté et garantir la liberté des femmes tout en éradiquant le fanatisme seraient un message très fort pour le monde.

Elections should be held within a month

The fact that a person of whom the public has no positive conviction has come to power instead of publicly elected Morsi is no source of  pride for that person.

The elections in Egypt should be held in the soonest time possible and Ikhwan should be given sufficient time to prepare for the elections.

Anti-Darwinist and Anti-Fanatic Education Should be Given

The most fundamental way out for Egypt and all other Islamic countries is to raise an anti-Darwinist youth and prevent fanaticism. Ikhwan and Salafis should strongly utter that Darwinism is an anti-scientific theory. If they come out without telling the errors of Darwinism and materialism, they are bound to fail.

If bigotry persists, Muslims will be oppressed everywhere. God will not give success unless art, science, beauty, urbanity, elegancy and love is not advocated.

Ikhwan can be successful only if it uses a calming, peaceful and loving language. No one should use the words of conflict, dispute, and blood-shedding.

Women don’t want to live under restraint. They desire to live in freedom and joy. Ikhwan should give freedoms to women to the utmost extent. Modern ikhwan youth should not follow the oppressive understanding of religion.  

Some old-fashioned people with radical mindset within Ikhwan should not hinder modern Ikhwan youth.

Egypt should have an all-loving and all-embracing system. It should respect the Christians and the Jews also. The atheists should also be free in their beliefs.

God does not allow the fanatical system that is opposed to the Qur’an and that takes away people’s joy of living.  

Ikhwan should definitely take love as basis. Love should be instructed in general in Egypt. The Army would also support a loving and modern understanding of Islam.

The US should support democracy in Egypt

The US should stress that it is against arrests and give its support to holding of elections in the soonest time possible. 


There should be no to Arrests in Egypt

It is a grave and historical error to arrest Ikhwan members in Egypt. The Army should put a complete end to this practice.

The politicians arrested in Egypt during the military coup should immediately be released and the security and social order of Egypt should be restored.

We say ‘No to Arrests in Egypt’. It is important that this matter is emphasized until it is resolved.

The closure of the TV stations and newspapers is an atrocious act unless they provoke blood shedding acts. This error should immediately be put right.
 (July 4, 2013, Adnan Oktar, A9 TV)