The birth of Buddhism
Why is Buddhism supported in the west?
Huxley's discovery of Buddhism
Could Buddhism be a true religion thats become distorted
The error of Buddhism
Buddhism: An oppressive and enslaving religion
A superstitious religion in modern times: The new age
The error of superstitious karmic philosophy and reincarnation
Kamal Almezogy, Banker - Libya
Adnan Oktar's Book 'Islam Denounces Terrorism' on Swiss RSI TV Channel - Agu 2017
Sayyid Salih Ozcan, one of the genuine followers of Bediuzzaman, explains that Prophet Jesus (as) descend is a hundred percent certain truth
Adnan Oktar's Book 'Islam Denounces Terrorism' on Swiss RSI TV Channel-October 2017
Being tested by the loss of wealth
Dr. Zafarul-Islam Khan, Vice President of Welfare Party of India, Chief Editor of the Milli Gazette
Bujar Nishani, President of Albania
Hassan Abbas, Professor of International Security Studies National Defense University, Washington Dc.
Karl Man and Helen Vicret, Taksim Fossil Exibition - February 2015
The miracles of the Qur'an: The conquest of Makkah
Each of the portents of the end times is a great miracle
Ahmed Hassan Taha, Imam of the Abi Maha The Great Mosque
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be victorious in his struggle, not through extraordinary attributes that eliminate the use of free will, but by means of his faith, reason, conscience and moral virtues
Live Conversation of Mr. Adnan Oktar with Dr. Wafik Moustafa and Priest Todd William Kissam (June 6, 2017)
Doom and Gloom in Europe