The birth of Buddhism
Buddhism: An oppressive and enslaving religion
A superstitious religion in modern times: The new age
The error of superstitious karmic philosophy and reincarnation
Could Buddhism be a true religion thats become distorted
Why is Buddhism supported in the west?
The error of Buddhism
Huxley's discovery of Buddhism
The signs of creation in glass
Horrific satanist music
Soil: The miraculous compound that swathes the Earth
Mr. Sali Berisha, Former President & Prime Minister of the Republic Albania
Dr. Fazale Rana Talks About The Invalidity of The Miller-Urey Experiment
The Q&A session of the International Conference on the Origin of Life and The Universe held by TBAV (Technics & Science Research Foundation) in Conrad Istanbul Bosphorus Hotel, August 24th 2016 – Part 2
Dr. Jeff Zweerink’s Lecture during the 1st Intl Conf. on the Origin of Life and the Universe held by TBAV (24.08.2016 - Conrad)
Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov - University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria
Mr. David Spady’s Expressions about Turkey and Islam
Dr. David Snoke Explains How General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics Are Not Compatible
Prof. Irene Schneider, University of Goettingen, Dept.of Arabic & Islamic Studies
Jan Figel, Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the European Union, Former European Commissioner for Education Training Culture
Member of Commision of Social Affairs of African Union, Bins Kawanas
Dr. Rupert Graf Strachwitz, Political Scientist and Historian, The Director of The Maecenata Institute, Humboldt University, Berlin
Mr. Adnan Oktar's speech in the Peace and Brotherhood Meeting held under the guidance of Mr. Adnan Oktar with the contribution of the members of the three Abrahamic religions and various politicians (May 9th, 2013; Hotel Sürmeli)
The lens: The Eye's focusing mechanism