Signs of the last day: The rejection of true religion and the moral values of the Quran
Buddhism: An oppressive and enslaving religion
The superstitious rituals of Buddhism
Prophet Yusuf's (pbuh) dream comes true
The error of Buddhism
The solution Islam the religion of peace
Prophet Abraham (pbuh) Spreads the Religion
Why is Buddhism supported in the west?
The Ark of the Covenant becomes the subject of films
Evidence for the true faith in historical sources (subtitled)
Each of the portents of the end times is a great miracle: Could you accurately predict what will happen in 1400 years' time?
Religions condemn terrorism (subtitled)
The birth of Buddhism
How do we find true love?
Could jealousy be considered acceptable?
Hans Köchler: The alliance of the great monotheistec religions is a moral responsibility
Majority of Jews will become Muslims when the ark of the covenant is found
Some statements of Adnan Oktar on the religion of ignorance - 2
A superstitious religion in modern times: The new age
Dr. Kingsley Makhubela: Islam Is a Peaceful Religion
Mr. Aaqil Ahmed, Commissioning Editor for Religion and Head of Religion and Ethics, BBC, UK
Examples of distorted New Age beliefs
International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy & Religion (Rome, Italy, March 31st - April 3rd, 2014)
The transitory baubles of this world and our true abode, the hereafter