The birth of Buddhism
Buddhism: An oppressive and enslaving religion
The rising of the sun in the west is aproaching
The Templars move to the west
The feet that support the bones
The superstitious rituals of Buddhism
Science Continues to Support The Big Bang
Mutual support
Why are the good people so few?
Why did Lauren Booth convert to Islam?
God's support of Maryam
Why does the World ignore the Syrians’ ordeal?
Huxley's discovery of Buddhism
Why an Islamic Union?
Dr. Fazale Rana: Why the Theory of Evolution Is Dominant in the Scientific Community
The error of Buddhism
Why do Mr. Adnan Oktar’s beautiful girl friends love him?
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: Does It Mean That the Planet Supports Life, Is Water Found on Other Planets Usable?
Why proteins can not emerge by chance?
Dr. Paolo Cioni replies to why people turn a blind eye to the fact that evolution theory is not scientific.
Why Turkish Islamic Union is Necessary?
Why are most people unhappy?
Dr. Fazale Rana: Why Is the Scientific Evidence Challenging the Theory of Evolution Ignored
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: Why Cannot Mutations Produce Information
Dr. Carlo Cossano: Why is scientific struggle against Darwinism important?