Senator Ivana Simeoni, Member of the Italian Senate
Texas State Senator - District 13 USA, Rodney Ellis
Senator Joelle Garriaud-Maylam, France
Senator Richard Bryan, Former United States Senator
Senator Lucio Malan, Member of the Italian Senate
Dr. Christopher McCormick, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs of the EF Education First
Pierre Rene Hubert Marie van der Linden, Member of the Dutch Senate and Former President of the Dutch Senate
Ahmad Rashid Lali, Director and Vice President Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd., Bangladesh
Mr. Yayha Pallavicini, Vice President, Islamic Religious Community, Italy
Vice Minister for Foreign Relations of South Africa, Marius Fransman
MP Marta Grande, Member of the Italian Parliament
Mr. Albert Teo, APCEO Vice Chairman of the Asia Pacific CEO
Dr. Charlotte K. Frank Sr. Vice President, Research and Development for McGraw-Hill Education
John Kyl - United States Senator from Arizona / USA
Maria Conceiçao Pereira - Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), Vice President
Mrs. Michele Coninsx, President of Eurojust
Maiken Tandgaard Derno, Vice Consul and Cultural Attaché of Denmark in New York
Alexander Rutskoy, Former Vice President of Russia
Dr. Fabrizio Fratus, Italian Sociologist, 3rd International Conference on the Origin of Life and the Universe, April 28th, 2018-Istanbul
Rev. Olivier Reigen Wang Genh, President of the Buddhist Union of France
Mr. Adnan Oktar’s Live Conversation with Italian Scientists Dr. Fabrizio Fratus and Dr. Carlo Alberto Cossano(21 March 2017)
Dr. Peter Feldmajer – Vice President of Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary
Dr. Daniel Pipes, President of the Middle East Forum, historian&writer
Mp Lia Quartapelle, Member of the Italian Parliament
Luca Steinmann Talks about Italian People’s Views about Islam