Mr. Yayha Pallavicini, Vice President, Islamic Religious Community, Italy
H. E. Amb. Katalin Bogyay, Permanent Delegate of Hungary to UNESCO, President of the General Conference of UNESCO
Tim Lister - Former Vice President Cnn International
Dr. Christopher McCormick, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs of the EF Education First
Peter Bogh - Denmark
Our President devoted his life for the entire Islamic community
Ahmad Rashid Lali, Director & Vice President Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. Bangladesh
Dr. Charlotte K. Frank Sr. Vice President, Research and Development for McGraw-Hill Education
Hans Peter Kienduff, Denmark
Dr. Anwar-ul Ghani – President of Federation of Islamic Associations of NZ, Senior Scientist at the AgResearch Limited Ruakura Research Centre, New Zealand
Halldor Asgrimsson, Former Prime Minister of Iceland, Former Secretary General for the Nordic Council of Ministers, Vice President of the ICD
Mohammed Zuhair, Vice President of Center for Islamic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka
The Jewish Holocaust, An Islamic Perspective
Remnants of communism in Europe
Maria Conceiçao Pereira - Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), Vice President
President Vaira Vike Freiberga, Former President of Latvia
Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Libya, Rajab Bhknug
Rabbi Dr. Dov Maymon, Senior Fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute
Dr. Erhard Busek, Former Vice-Chancellor of Austria; Former Minister for Education & Cultural Affairs
Mufti Dr. Aziz ef. Hasanovic, President of Meshihat of Islam Community in Croatia
Ahmad Fahmi Mohd Samsudin, vice President of Abim speaks for A9 TV
Dr. Daniel Pipes, President of the Middle East Forum, historian&writer
Dr. Nedzad Grabus, Mufti of Slovenia & Chairman of the Meshihat of the Islamic Community in Slovenia
Prof. Dr. Din Syamsuddin, President of Muhammadiyah Association and Professor of Islamic Political Thought at State Islamic University, Jakarta