Erna Hennicot-Schoepges, Former President of the Parliament of Luxembourg, Former Minister of Culture and Education, Former Member of the European Parliament
Dr. Erhard Busek, Former Vice-Chancellor of Austria; Former Minister for Education & Cultural Affairs
Professor at London Business School, Michael G. Jacobides
Rui Duarte Barros, Former Prime Minister of Guniea Bissau
Hrant Bagratyan - Former Prime Minister of Armenia
Pastor Thomas Michael - Georgetown Univ.
Fani Palli Petralia, Former Minister for Employment and Social Protection, Former Minister of Tourism of Greece
Prof. Dr. Dragan Domazet, Rector and Founder of Belgrade Metropolitan University, Former Minister of Science of the Republic of Serbia
Ögmundur Jonasson, Former Minister of the Interior of Iceland, Former Minister of Justice & Human Rights, Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), President of the ICD Program for Human Rights
Prof. Chuck Freilich, Expert on the Middle East and Former Israeli Deputy National Security Adviser, Senior Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University
Hassan Diab, Former Minister of Education of Lebanon
Prof. Nazar Al Baharna, Former Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Bahrain, Former Dean of Engineering at Bahrain University, Visiting Research Scholar at Georgetown University, ICD Advisory Board Member
Live Conversation of Mr. Adnan Oktar with Rabbi Dov Lipman (Public Relations Director of the World Zionist Organization, former Knesset Member)
Mr. Didier Reynders, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Belgium
Nouzha Skalli - Former Moroccan Minister of Social Development, Family and Solidarity, Member of the Parliament, ICD Advisory Board Member
Rabbi Izhak Dayan, Chief Rabbi of Geneva, Rep. of the Conference of European Rabbis to the UN
Prof. Hassan B. Diab, Former Minister of Education of Lebanon
Mr. Adnan Oktar's statements in the press conference with Israeli delegation (May 12, 2011)
An Interview with Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
Minister of Energy - Kenya, Kiraitu Murungi
Anna Diamantopoulou, Former EU Commissioner, Former Minister of Education Greece
Mr. Aleksey Y. Meshkov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Russia
Nouzha Skalli, Former Moroccan Minister of Solidarity, Women, Family, and Social Development Nouzha skalli, eski fas dayanışma, kadınlar, aile ve sosyal gelişim bakanı
Former State Secretary in the Foreign Office Germany, Jürgen Chrobog
Rabbi Mr. Mordékhai Chriqui is reading from the Torah