Fani Palli Petralia, Former Minister for Employment and Social Protection, Former Minister of Tourism of Greece
Dr. Erato Marcoullis, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus
Halldor Asgrimsson, Former Prime Minister of Iceland, Former Secretary General for the Nordic Council of Ministers, Vice President of the ICD
President Dr. Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, Former President of Malta - Former Minister of Education
Luc Van den Brande, Former Minister-President of Flanders-Belgium, Former President of the European Committee of the Regions, ICD Advisory Board Member
Dr. Paul Jacob Bhatti, Former Minister of National Harmony and Minority Affairs of Pakistan
Rui Duarte Barros, Former Prime Minister of Guniea Bissau
Hrant Bagratyan - Former Prime Minister of Armenia
Ögmundur Jonasson, Former Minister of the Interior of Iceland, Former Minister of Justice & Human Rights, Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), President of the ICD Program for Human Rights
Dr. Erhard Busek, Former Vice-Chancellor of Austria; Former Minister for Education & Cultural Affairs
Prof. Hassan B. Diab, Former Minister of Education of Lebanon
Janes Jansa, Former Prime Minister of Slovenia
President Franco Frattini, Former Foreign Minister of Italy
Ali Ahmad Jalali, Former Minister of the Interior of Afghanistan
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with former Israeli ambassador to Canada, Alan Baker on A9 TV (27 December 2011; 11:00)
Erna Hennicot-Schoepges, Former Speaker of the Parliament of Luxemburg - Former Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs - Vice President of the ICD Advisory Board
Rabbi David Rosen, former Chief Rabbi of Ireland, Director of the American Jewish Committee's Department of Interreligious Affairs, advisor to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel
Elihu Ben-Onn, Senior National Radio Broadcaster, retired Israeli Brigadier General, former Israeli Police Spokesman
Rabbi Avi Balser, USA
Hrant Bagratyan, Former Prime Minister of Armenia
Professor at London Business School, Michael G. Jacobides
An Interview with Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
Zvi Mazel, Former Israeli Ambassador to Egypt
Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation With His Turkish and Israeli Guests on A9 TV (January 20th, 2013)
Maxim Babitski, Interview with Israeli Politician