From "The excellent moral values of believers 2" documentary
The feet that support the bones
Why is Buddhism supported in the west?
Mr. Jeff Gardner: Looking at the Fossil Record Where Is the Evidence That Supports Evolutionary Theory
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: Does It Mean That the Planet Supports Life, Is Water Found on Other Planets Usable?
The mutual love of the people of paradise
God's support of Maryam
Science Continues to Support The Big Bang
Return to Reality 10- Muhammad Robert Heft - Speaker, President of P4E Support Group Inc. (Canada)
Dr. M. Zaher Sahloul, Chairman of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago
Perished nations: The end of Pompei
Why Turkish Islamic Union is Necessary?
Creation Museum - Crocodile skull
Texas Community Turning to Islam – Part 1 - Yasmine
The Prophet's (saas) manner of communicating the message of God
Answers from the Qur’an 3
Jans-Jörg Jenewien, Parliamentarian from Austria
The Ark the struggle of prophet Moses (pbuh)
Ireccent Martin, Canada
Signs in social life
Bloodshed at the Kaaba
Short Introduction - Adnan Oktar and His Works
Mr. Adnan Oktar's March 2017 Media Publications
Dajjal has appeared and at work
How is the concept of cleanliness expressed in the Qur'an?
The wisdom in the story of the Prophet Noah (pbuh)